Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Afterlife Evidence
Direct-Voice medium Emily French, with Edward Randall, brings through a scientist from the other side who offers the basic concepts of quantum mechanics. This testimony was given before Heisenberg, Bohr, Dirac, and Schrodinger made their discoveries.
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Editor's prefatory comment:
We met Edward Randall and Emily French on the “afterlife” page. Randall was a successful Buffalo, NY attorney, turned afterlife researcher; Mrs. French, an aged and deaf “little old lady,” possessed astonishing direct-voice mediumistic abilities.
A most noteworthy communication from the other side had to do with not-yet discovered scientific information. Before we look at quotations from Randall’s book, consider these facts:
The negatively charged electron was discovered in 1897. It was not known that the atom contains a nucleus until 1911, and we knew nothing of protons until 1920. The earliest Copenhagen “quantum fathers,” Bohr and Heisenberg, in the early- to mid-1920s painstakingly thrashed out an understanding that consciousness, not matter forms the basis of material reality, and that atomic particles were not “hard little bee-bees” but aspects of wispy, ethereal energy and wave-forms. And it was not determined until 1964 that sub-atomic particles themselves are made up of still smaller entities, such as quarks.
See much discussion on the "quantum mechanics" page.
We do well to acknowledge this whirlwind summary of QM’s timeline because from 1896, for approximately 20 years, in over 700 sittings, Mrs. French facilitated hundreds or thousands of “voices” from the other side. And some of those coming through were intellectuals, scientists in Summerland. And some of the information was ahead of its time.
Picture the scene. Randall and French, plus stenographers at the ready, sitting in near-total darkness. All this was very taxing for the frail, deaf Mrs. French, approximately age 60 at the commencement of these readings. This work continued until Mrs. French’s death, at age 80+.
Randall recalls that Mrs. French was so deaf that she did not hear the received voices; as such, she herself would sometimes unwittingly interfere by speaking during the receipt of voices, causing confusion, on the part of the listeners in attendance. But even more anomalous was the information coming through via the agency of French’s mediumistic abilities – cutting edge scientific information concerning quantum mechanics! - of the sort that had not yet been discovered by Bohr, Heisenberg, Dirac, Schrodinger, and others!
The following are quotations from a “voice,” a scientist in Summerland, recorded in Randall’s book, “The Dead Have Never Died,” published in 1917.
"The basis of all matter is electricity;"
Editor’s note: The speaker is absolutely correct. In 1897 people like J.J. Thompson of Cavendish Labs not only discovered a sub-atomic particle, but determined that it was negatively charged. Later it was learned that the interplay of negative and positive forces in the atom created electrical force-fields which produced the illusion of matter’s “hardness.”
"the basis of all electricity, for there are many kinds, is ether, — not that ether which is found in the atmosphere, but a subtle ether of which men know little or nothing.
Editor’s note: Imagine yourself in 1900 attempting to explain these things. The term “consciousness” was not yet in popular vogue concerning this topic. This being the case you would fall back to familiar words of the day which connote a sense of the wispy, or immaterial, or gossamer-like. You’d very likely choose the word “ether,” which was a common term back then. Additionally, you might employ the term "subtle ether" or “spirit” in an effort to speak of "consciousness" or "Universal Consciousness".
"The basis of this subtle ether is spirit; therefore, all that there is of whirling planets, of brilliant constellations, suns, moons, and satellites, all that there is in the physical Universe, is ether clothed, in reality, an expression of spirit.
Editor’s note: These are very clear statements that the physical universe, all of matter, in its essence, as we drill down, is nothing but “consciousness”; or, as some say, “matter is frozen consciousness.” This is exactly what the “quantum fathers” would say in the coming years.
"It is the physical in and through which spirit functions, and in that way makes itself manifest to the external sense…
“We should find in [a] drop of water, or it might be in a speck of earth — if we had the knowledge and power, and also the sight of an advanced spirit to disintegrate it — we should find that the speck of matter branches away into electric corpuscles.
Editor’s note: Notice the clarity of insight. The speaker not only knows of atoms and sub-atomic particles, but also knows that these particles are made of still smaller particles. We didn’t discover this until 1964.
The term “corpuscle” contains a Latin root for “body”; in other words, the meaning is a very small “body,” a particle. The old-style scientists like Newton used terms like “corpuscles” in their writings. It’s not a bad term. Because if modern scientific jargon were unknown to you, it’s a good way of referring to the atomic entities below the level of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
See, too, the word "disintegrate." That's what we do today to the particles. The Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator, smashes atoms and subatomic particles together allowing us to see what they're made of.
"Searching deeper, we should discover that even the electricity of the corpuscles is made up of a subtle ether, impenetrable, something so rarefied that the sons of men cannot by any means discern it.
Editor's note: Consciousness is so rarefied that we can't perceive its essence - even though it's the "building block" of all matter.
"Had we the power and the knowledge that we shall have some day in an advanced spiritual state, we should find in the heart of that subtle ether something of wondrous power and influence — a continuous force which is indeed the Spirit of God.
Editor's note: This phrase "wondrous power" alludes to the surprising amount of energy locked up in the atom (which is but a fraction of the power of spirit). This is Einstein's "E=mc2" which he published in 1905, but it wasn't understood what this really meant, just how much power he was talking about, until the production of the A-bomb in the 1940s.
"Therefore, in the physical we have a universe which at last touches the spiritual. In the infinitely great we have a universe which is controlled, inspired, kept steady, so to speak, and has its foundation, its very existence, in that force called Nature. And the spirit which you yourselves possess, is an emanation from God.
Editor's note: The speaker also confirms mystical information: we, our consciousness, each of us, is linked to God, to Universal Consciousness.
"This Spirit, though manifest in many ways, and through many forms, is eternal. Matter physical is constantly changing, building up, disintegrating; it is scattered and reformed in the birth, the growth, the life, and the death of worlds innumerable.
Editor's note: This is quite a statement! No one knew this in 1900! This is Dirac's discovery, in the latter 1920s, of "matter and anti-matter," a continual "popping in and out of existence"!
'a continual popping into existence from the void'
Dr. Jim Al-Khalili: English physicist Paul Dirac in 1928 predicted the existence of the positron and anti-matter. His famous “Dirac Equation” is sometimes called “the most beautiful equation in the world.”

Dirac’s mathematics predicted a continual virtual popping into existence, from the seeming void, matter and anti-matter particles, most of which would almost instantly annihilate each other. However, one in a billion of these particles would not be destroyed but remain. These survivors become the matter of the universe, the material stuff of which all things consist.
'matter is completely mutable, can be created from energy and vanish into energy'

Dr. Fritjof Capra: “We can divide matter again and again, but we never obtain smaller pieces… The high-energy [particle] experiments of the past decades have shown us the dynamic and ever-changing nature of [reality]... Matter has appeared in these experiments as completely mutable. All particles can be transmuted into other particles; they can be created from energy and can vanish into energy… classical concepts like ‘elementary particle’, ‘material substance’ or ‘isolated object’, have lost their meaning; the whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns...” |
"There is, in reality, no such thing as death. Men enquire from whence comes life? Life came from the Spirit, and when the spirit passes through the subtle ether, and the ether gets into the coarser electricity, it takes physical form — gross matter is then impregnated with life. That life never ceases, because, as I have said, it progresses and develops through the physical and is re-absorbed into the Great Spirit, the Source of all life."
Editor’s note: The speaker informs us concerning the origin of life. It’s not an emanation of chemical mixture but an expression of Universal Consciousness.