Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
The Perfect Mate
Georgia Girl and Georgia Boy
Part II
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Elenchus. Kriss, I find your discourse deeply moving. It says so much, and speaks directly to the essence of true love. Many of the things you’ve said, in a way, are not new to our understanding – however, I’m seeing some things more clearly now.
Kairissi. I think the greatest insights are seeing new things in what we thought we already knew.
sacred combat
E. We haven't talked about the principle of 'sacred combat' in a while. For us, for a long time, this occurred under the radar.
K. Elenchus… as we’ve learned, from our own experience… there is such a thing as “the undeclared couple.” They might have no history of any formal dating, no definitive romantic activity that would be generally recognized… but, at various times in their lives, when they interact, a flood tide of erotic energy issues… In other words, they do not call or even envision themselves as a couple – they just act like they are; their entire beings bring forth a great wave-energy of “the union of spirits” – and part of this manifests as “sacred combat.”
even if I disagree, even if I fight him
E. In your own way, you spoke of sacred combat:
I want him not just as my lover but as my steadfast and trustworthy friend and guide. I want him to serve my highest and best interests, all the time, no days off, no vacations, no excuses, no smile-and-a-handshake schmoozing, no giving-to-get, no techniques, no tactics, just put me as 'priority one' in all his thinking, even if it’s not to his short-term advantage, and even if I disagree with him. I want to be able to trust him, and rely on him, for my life and my eternal life, and, when his vision is very clear, I want him to act unilaterally, without prompting, to do what's best for me - even if I fight him on this.
E. I've often thought of things you said here. But, even more, I've realized that I'd never want to be with a girl who didn’t care enough to enter ‘sacred combat’ for my benefit… as you have always done, or tried to do, against my protests or apathy.