Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
How To Sit Quietly
In A Room Alone
We, each of us, are like spokes of a wheel, connected at the hub. That center is Universal Consciousness. The spokes represent our individualizing portions of consciousness, but still connected to the center. Individuality, strictly speaking, is an illusion.
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This is an article which, while important, is one that I didn’t want to write. There’s a core principle to be expressed, that, again, is very important, but I’ve talked about these things too much.
I employ the term “too much” to convey my distastefulness concerning the insanities of the ego. As I write this, the nation and the world continue to spin toward more and more incivility, outright oppression, and various forms of governmental intimidation.
This writing needs to be short. The main idea I’d like to convey – which will sound trite and overused when I speak of it – is that we’re all connected, and what we do, good or evil, affects all us.
And what does this mean? To most people, not much, just a tired cliché you might have heard as purported inspirational item in a lackluster sermon.
It's a nice idea, but who believes such things?

On the “quantum” page, I presented the writings of Dr. Fritjof Capra, particle physicist. He informs us that, in the realm of the very small, energy and matter slosh back and forth as virtually indistinguishable; that, particles-as-matter, as we learned from the equations of Dirac, “pop in and out of existence continually”; “matter is completely mutable,” Fritjof said, and “the whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns.”
This includes us, and, in reference to each other; all of us, interconnected. The quantum realm reveals a latticework of enmeshed and interlaced realities. We are both spectators and actors, said Niels Bohr, in the drama that is this life.

We, each of us, are like spokes of a wheel, connected at the hub. That center is Universal Consciousness. The spokes represent our individualizing portions of consciousness, but still connected to the center. Individuality, strictly speaking, is an illusion.
Is this more sermonizing? Perhaps, but also factually based. See the many quotations from the “quantum fathers,” arguably, the greatest scientists of history, asserting that consciousness, not matter, is the ground of reality.
the purpose of the brain is to filter out, from universal consciousness, anything not correlating with the body’s perspective; in this ‘step-down transformer’ process, separate egos, with separate personal identities, emerge

Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, PhD philosophy, PhD computer science, for many years worked at CERN, the large hadron collider in Geneva.
“… the function of the brain is to localize consciousness, pinning it to the space-time reference point implied by the physical body. In doing so, the brain modulates conscious perception in accordance with the perspective of the body.
a brain that filters implies the existence of unbound mind, a universal consciousness
"When not subject to this localization and modulation mechanism, mind is unbound: it entails consciousness of all there is across space, time, and perhaps beyond. Therefore, by localizing mind, the brain also ‘filters out’ of consciousness anything that is not correlated with the body’s perspective… like a radio receiver selecting [a particular station], among the variety [with] all other stations being filtered out and never reaching the consciousness of the listener…
"[T]he filter hypothesis implies that consciousness, in its unfiltered state, is unbound. As such, consciousness must be fundamentally unitary and non-individualized, for separateness and individualization entail boundaries.
Editor’s note: Father Benson from the afterlife speaks of a being, formerly mortal, five billion years old, so advanced as to enjoy awareness of all life-forms in the universe; in this, we see the future of the ‘unfiltered’ mind. Read More on the “500 hundred tape-recorded messages from the other side” page. Editor’s note: There may be those, still in this world, with powers of expanded mind, so extensive, that a certain far-flung awareness of items in the universe may exist right now. Consider the advanced shamans of the South American Kogi people. They know things that escape the rest of us. See the inset-box.
the filtering brain creates the illusion of separateness, of disconnected personal egos
"The emergence of multiple, separate and different conscious perspectives or egos, is a consequence of the filtering and localization process: different egos, entailing different perspectives on space-time, retain awareness of different subsets of all potential subjective experiences, the rest being filtered out. It is the difference across subsets that give each ego its idiosyncratic vantage point, personal history, and sense of personal identity.
Editor’s note: A brain designed to filter, and reduce to a trickle, experience does not substantively support a theory of reincarnation which exalts much experience. We do not come to this planet to gain experience, as such, but to individualize, to transform one’s tiny sub-set of universal consciousness into a personal ego. With this, we become ready for what comes next in the afterlife, even if we are not yet “good” persons, which can be accomplished later, but only after one becomes a person in one’s own right. Read More on this need for individualization.
"The subjective experiences that are filtered out become the so-called ‘unconscious’ mind of the respective ego. Since each ego allows in only an infinitesimally small part of all potential experiences … the ‘unconscious’ minds of different egos will differ only minimally… As such, the filter hypothesis, unlike materialism, predicts the existence of a ‘collective unconscious’; a shared repository of potential experiences that far transcends mere genetic predispositions of a species…
the likely origin of the mystical experience
"[A]nd most importantly, the filter hypothesis predicts that one can have experiences that do not correlate with one’s brain states. Since here the brain is seen merely as a mechanism for filtering out experience … when this [filtering] mechanism is interfered with so as to be partially or temporarily deactivated, one’s subjective experience could delocalize, expand beyond the body in time and space, and perhaps even beyond time and space [giving rise to what is called the mystical experience]…”

READ MORE of Dr. Kastrup's work on the “quantum mechanics” page
What does this really mean for us? – that we are all connected, that we derive from a universal essence? Many teachers, for a very long time, have tried to tell us.

And because we're all connected on the level of the very deep, our actions, good or evil, affect both parties, receiver and giver.

We may have heard the saying, if we hurt others we’re also hurting ourselves. But we don’t really believe this. We see ourselves as islands of isolation, disconnected from the main. This is part of the systemic illusion.
And even if we have inkling of how evil hurts others, we tend to dismiss what we consider to be small acts of impropriety. I’m reminded of the testimony at the Nuremberg trials, as popularized in the movie:
Judgment At Nuremberg:
Ernst Janning: "Those people, those millions of people... I never knew it would come to that. You must believe it, you must believe it!”
Judge Dan Haywood: "Herr Janning, it 'came to that' the first time you sentenced a man to death you knew to be innocent."
Look at what is happening today in our own version of dismantling due process and rule of law, our descent into chaos and governance by whim; our own examples of condemning innocent men and women for political reasons.
Editor's note: Ironically, America was founded to escape rule-by-whim of European kings, but now, in our dumbed-down slide into totalitarianism, many people are jubilant and think they're winning if their "villain" is handcuffed and raided. Little do they know that they too will suffer when there are no safeguards in place to protect freedoms.
Elsewhere, I have featured the life and sacrificial efforts of William Wilberforce, the man who worked for decades to outlaw slavery in the British Empire.
the courageous reformer, champion of personal freedoms

In 1787, a young Englishman, William Wilberforce, became aware of the atrocities of the African slave trade. So moved was he that, against all odds, against powerful political and economic interests, often working alone, he began to wage war on this barbarity. Very slowly, by inches, as prosecuting attorney for the truth, he would turn public opinion against the great inhumanism. Finally, after decades of crusade, during which he was constantly attacked, threatened, and vilified by the privileged, Parliament set as law The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 throughout the entire British Empire. Wilberforce's struggle was not unique: every reformer, as guardian of sacred freedoms and human dignity, intent upon overturning the vested totalitarian interests, the "money-changers' tables," will face kangaroo-court treatment in this world. See William Wilberforce in the motion picture, Amazing Grace, and read more on the "Economics" page.
The vested money interests of the day attacked him viciously, for decades, trying to bring him down. They accused him of treason, of sexual impropriety, of the ruin of the nation, of anything they could drum up.
It’s been said that you can tell what the forces of evil fear the most by what they venomously attack. Of course, they will feel threatened by a diminishment of power. And in the case of Wilberforce, large fortunes by vested interests were at stake if the slave trade were to be set aside. And this was the “reason behind the reason” for all the character assassination.
It requires little imagination to understand that the same dark dynamic is in play in our day. We have our own men and women, modern day versions of William Wilberforce, who suffer constant attack by the vested interests of the “deep state”, supported by their unthinking cultish minions.
To hurt anyone, to any degree, is to invite spiritual injury to oneself. But to engage in this kind of gross duplicitous malfeasance now takes to itself a level of damage that might take hundreds or thousands of years to remedy in the next life. Today's enemies of Wilberforce, enemies of human dignity and personal freedoms, have no idea what's coming for them.
Read the case histories of those on the other side who perverted themselves by "fighting Wilberforce."

I need to conclude this writing. I don’t enjoy discussing this subject. I've said enough. And yet, as society tears itself apart, taking sides for or against modern day representations of William Wilberforce, few subjects are more relevant.
I think what bothers me the most are the attacks coming from, what we would normally consider to be, upstanding elements of the nation. For example,
The late-night television buffoonish comedian, smug and smirking, who makes light of the sacrificial efforts to safeguard personal freedoms against the rising tide of totalitarianism;
Religious clergy who attack Wilberforce as a threat to society;
Those in leadership positions who claim to be guarding personal freedoms but, in fact, are frightened by unpopular press, easily intimidated by the vested interests, and offer mere lip-service to defense against totalitarianism;
Law enforcement agencies, having gone rogue, effectively private Praetorian Guard of Caesar, attacking Wilberforce as against "national security”;
Government agencies, ostensibly created to serve the people, now acting in a spirit of self-preservation, arrayed to condemn Wilberforce.
We could go on with this listing.
However, in a larger sense, we, each of us, need to take inventory in terms of how we offer allegiance to any form of Dear Leader. We should attempt to live with as much freedom as possible in this unfree world; primarily, the freedom of the mind and spirit.
Anything that we do which, even remotely strengthens the hand of Dear Leader, in any aspect of our lives, will eventually blossom into open threat against society at large. It takes a bit of vision to see this. But evil has a way of starting small, festering and growing like a cancer, and will later envelop its victim. See much discussion on the "evil" page.
Editor’s note: There is a whole class of people on the other side, many millions of them, who, in a sense, are “good” people, but they’re quite shallow in their perceptions and, as such, miss out on the greatest joys over there. We discussed this at length in “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side” writing.
For example, we should not support or ally ourselves with any church that espouses doctrines which deny the essential dignity of human beings; we should free ourselves from oppressive marriages in which one is stifled and held subservient to another; we must guard our minds against what is called entertainment, those who posture as celebrity-entertainers but use their influence as a force for totalitarianism. There are many more of these trojan-horses of evil, which each of us needs to identify in one's life.
We are headed for a new world, Summerland. It's a whole new ballgame over there, our eternal home-world, and it's just one missed heartbeat away.
There are no religions to dominate and oppress over there; no celebrity culture; no groups led by Dear Leaders; and we would do well, before the time, to become and to live as free as possible, which is our birthright-gift and destiny.
Editor last word:
This article has been placed in the "Quiet Room" book as the solace of that room is where we will find our true freedom, the sort that no one can ever take from us.