Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
How To Sit Quietly
In A Room Alone
Where are the first-class mediums today?
They've been lost
in an avoidance
of the small quiet room.
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T.S. Eliot: "Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"

Why aren’t there more first-class mediums today as there were a hundred years ago?
There’s a reason for this, today’s paucity of sensitive spirits. Imagine life before distracting cellphones, computers, televisions, or even electricity. People often spent their evenings in quiet solitude, and this would sometimes lead to fully-blossomed mediumship.
Michael Tymn writes:
In her 1946 book, You are Psychic, Sophia Williams, whose direct-voice mediumship is described by researcher Hamlin Garland in his book The Mystery of the Buried Crosses (available from White Crow Books), wrote that it took her four years of sitting quietly each day while learning the art of relaxation and complete detachment before she began to develop as a medium. Williams went on to explain that the first spirit voice coming through her mediumship was weak and difficult to understand, but the voices became clearer as she continued to sit in silence. She added that the voices came through in many different languages. She stressed the need to achieve absolute relaxation as a first step and then sit in a state of expectancy with the mind cleared of all conscious thoughts and memories. “Conscious thought must be avoided – consciously trying not to think is thinking,” she pointed out.
The number of first-class mediums is greatly diminished today because almost everybody has been "cutting class" from the small quiet room.