Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
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On the “Conclusion” page, we discussed how Twins open the “door” of the soul, an unleashing of a profound sense of joy within, a reflection of the mind of God.
As we look at all the evidence, we are led to understand that only within the Twin Soul relationship will one finally access – to a degree previously unknown -- the secret mind of God, the ultimate strongholds of love, joy, and peace.
We need this overwhelming experience of joy and happiness, the perception of “I got my girl, who could ask for anything more?” or we will not be able to negotiate the “terrors of living forever.”
All of which begins to answer the great question, what is the purpose of life? Well, there are many purposes, but there's one overriding requirement.
Some say that life is charitable works. Certainly this will always be part of our affections.
Some say that it is worshiping God. We agree with this, but not in the way it’s done by Big Religion.
Some say -- even we say it here on Word Gems -- that we are to individuate ourselves, as this is why we came to the Earth. And this is correct; however, becoming a person is but first step toward a much grander purpose. We also must become a satsified and happy person.

In the end, we discover that the primary purpose of life is to become more and more like God. And when we do, we find ourselves living a life of joy, love, and happiness – because this is how God lives all the time.
Stated differently, we must enter into agreement, with ourselves, that the purpose of life is to learn to enjoy our own existence. This is not so easy as some might think; nevertheless, it’s a “required course,” because, without this, as asserted, we will not survive the “terrors of living forever.”
As we are female and male, “made in the image,” sacred representatives of the dual nature of God, we will best reflect the secret, contented, mind of God, when, one day, we’ll say, and mean it - “I got my girl, who could ask for anything more?”

before I knew you, what was I and where, what was the world to me, and the meaning of life
Elizabeth’s love letter to Robert, February 24, 1846: “I am living for you now. And before I knew you, what was I and where? What was the world to me … and the meaning of life? …
how can it make me happy, such a thing as my life; it never made me happy, without you
Elizabeth’s love letter to Robert, May 20, 1846: "... while the heart beats, which beats for you… my life, it is yours, as this year has been yours. But how can it make me happy, such a thing as my life? There, I wonder still. It never made me happy, without you.”

Editor's last word:
I believe that the essence of Omega Point happiness, of “I got my girl, who could ask for anything more”, comes to us in two parts:
(1) He desires, effectively, to “worship and adore” her, to do all to make her happy. She is everything to him, and he places her first, even above his own life.
(2) She desires to be everything for him, to fill his desire, to creatively give him everything, to be equal to his worship and adoration.
Without this social contract of mutually offering extreme delight, let’s just say, it’s going to be a very long eternity.
But I think Somebody already knew this and has designed our access to ultimate reality accordingly. Who could ask for anything more?
As Elizabeth came to see, her life, or eternal life, or any life, "never made me happy, without you."
