Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
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In the closing moments of Prometheus Denied, chapter 19, we find Day Star encouraging her charges, Kairissi and Elenchus, about to enter a cauldron of sorrow, their separation, as part of a mission to the Earth.
The Spirit Guide now offers a consoling, more expansive vista:
Dearest friends, as Twins “made in the image,” you are divinely commissioned to placard, as living parables, before the whole universe, the purpose of life, the sheer joy of living, the intoxicating pleasure of true romance. Like the mythical Prometheus of old, it will be your sacred task to bring fire to humankind.
Day Star’s analogy of fire is apt; indeed, more than she indicated.
We learn from classical mythologists that Zeus had entered into dispute with lesser-god Prometheus. The latter’s punishment from the chief Olympian took the form of inflicting pain upon humans, Prometheus’ creation. Zeus removed fire from the Earth.
Later, unwilling that his subjects should suffer, Prometheus, defying Zeus, stole fire from the heavenly citadel and returned it to the hapless humans. Zeus was not pleased and devised a form of recompensing torture for Prometheus.
However, for our purposes at hand, there is a kernel of relevance embedded within this mythic tale. Classical scholars point out that the image of fire means more than the common orange flame of oxidation-reduction.
Fire, in the ancient world, was central to life. Fire allowed one to survive the cruelties of winter; fire created the hearth, the “heart” of the home, offering blessings of cooking and light; fire warded off vicious animals, served as agent to metallurgy, and offered a modicum of pleasantness in a dystopian world.
All this, say the scholars, suggests that fire became a symbol of advancing civilization and culture, a refinement which could not be won in a cold world.
Therefore, when Prometheus brought fire to the Earth, he offered more than a campfire and a flaming torch – he was offering a way forward toward a richer, fuller life of all good things that people desire. Fire is a symbol of human evolution and progress.
And so, when Day Star waxes eloquent about how Twins, in the spirit of Prometheus, bring fire to the Earth, she foresees and prophecies much more than pleasantness of relationship.
The fire of authentic romance is taking us somewhere. The fire of true love leads us forward on an evolutionary path. The fire of lasting love begins to construct a new civilization founded upon an elevated level of consciousness. The fire of Twin Soul affinity causes those enthralled thereby to “travel on” toward Omega Point.
with her coming, he could not possibly be unsuccessful, in anything
The following is channeled information via the mediumship of William Aber (circa. 1900). The discourse speaks to life being incomplete without the companionship of one’s true mate, how one cannot enter into a fullness of what one was meant to be as a person without the presence of the destined Twin Soul:
“A great many people in your world who are seeking blindly for something that they scarcely hope to reach, and groping day by day in the darkness of lost hope, they merely make out to exist, and where to live, they do not even realize what the term means.
"Some great and beautiful, and as equally true an ideal has sometime in life faced them, and because they could not reach it they gave it up entirely!
"One great reason for this and probably the principal reason in most cases is because the other half of that soul is not to be found for so many years, and therefore it remains impossible for the one half to reach the full realization of his or her hopes, for where one is endowed with one or two essential qualities, the qualities existing in the other half of that soul is necessary in order to bring about the consummation of the whole soul's desire. For the qualities in the man and woman soul separately existing, when coming in contact with one another, would blend so perfectly that there would not be one chord out of vibrative harmony, not one element out of tune so that this whole soul joined forever, could not possibly be unsuccessful in anything that it desired for there would positively be no arbitrary forces there, and nothing but the fullness of overwhelming love and righteousness permeating all, filling the very essence of the air they breathe whether in the physical or spiritual world.”
Editor's last word:
'FIRE ... Certitude. Certitude. Feeling. Joy. Peace'
We are reminded of Pascal's use of the term "FIRE."

Philosopher, mathematician, scientist, Blaise Pascal, even as a young man, offered important scientific discoveries.
His life changed, however, at age 30, when he found himself in receipt of a shattering mystical experience. So jarring was this event that he wrote a summary of it, which he carried in his coat for the remainder of his life:
The year of grace 1654,
Monday, 23 November, feast of St. Clement, pope and martyr, and others in the martyrology. Vigil of St. Chrysogonus, martyr, and others. From about half past ten at night until about half past midnight,
GOD of Abraham, GOD of Isaac, GOD of Jacob not of the philosophers and of the learned. Certitude. Certitude. Feeling. Joy. Peace...
He characterizes this seminal incident as "FIRE" - we note the all caps; but then, giving rise to "Certainty" - stated twice; leading to ecstasy, joy, peace.
He had briefly touched upon, had known a glimmer, of a universal coming-of-age, a momentary expansion of the soul.