Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
Andrew Jackson Davis spoke of an 'inwrought adaption' operating in the lives of Twins. This principle works to bring two seemingly disparate, but destined, individuals into romantic harmony. |
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Editor's prefatory comment:
The principle of “inwrought adaptation”, taught by Andrew Jackson Davis, works in the lives of proto-Twins to prepare them for an eternal life of romantic intimacy. We discussed some of this in “The Wedding Song”, but I’m seeing that much more needs to be said.
Allow me to begin by presenting an excerpt from that book, including an earlier discussion by Kairissi and Elenchus, and then we'll ask them to develop this concept further.
The sacred beloved is one’s Twin Soul not a Twin Ego, and will not necessarily be the latter's "choice." Andrew Jackson Davis spoke of Twins sharing a hidden similarity, “an inwrought adaptation,” which serves as impetus to attraction:
“The human Soul is capable of inconceivable expansion; its
sensibilities are pure and almost immeasurable. The female
Spirit feels a boundless, undiminishable love; the male is
conscious of a high and insurmountable wisdom; and these
embodied principles irresistibly seek and implore the presence
of one another. To every individual, its counterpart - the
one most loved - is the purest, the greatest, and the most
beautiful, of all human beings; others may be beautiful and
attractive, and may possess in reality many more accomplishments; but, to the lover, the one beloved is the most beautiful; because there is felt an inwrought adaptation of desire to desire, impulse to impulse, organization to organization, Soul to Soul!”

Kairissi. Davis' term "inwrought adaptation" conceals much understanding about the hidden nature and development of true love.
Elenchus. Tell me what you see.
K. First, let's define the words. "Wrought" is Old English for "work." "Inwrought" means to "work in," in the sense of combining something with something else. And "adaptation" has to do with adjusting or modifying according to a new situation.
E. So what does this give us?
K. Look at Davis' comment again. He begins by saying that the soul is virtually infinitely expansive. And toward what will it alter itself? Each Twin has a "default setting," if you will, in terms of occupying certain domains of strength. She naturally becomes Love, and he has to get by only with Wisdom. (small smile)
E. The arrangement suits me just fine.
K. I keep telling you you're so lucky. But let's not distract ourselves for the moment. Davis says that each Twin, each for the other, expands, reaches out to receive, strives to incorporate, the domain of the other.
E. It's quite beautiful, isn't it?
K. Truly, yes. Notice, too, Davis instructs that each will "irresistibly seek and implore," each from the other, the tremendous gift brought to the romantic relationship. But Davis isn't done. Now he says that these gifts of Love and Wisdom, as they are contemplated, so dazzle the receiver that each suddenly judges his or her counterpart as "the greatest, and most beautiful" of all human beings in the universe.
E. And now we are forced to ask, is this superlative just a sweet deception? - and, probably, a self-deception?
K. Psychologists would say yes, it's only a fevered idealization. But I'm not so sure. I think... if you're a Twin Soul... it's true -- true for you.
E. Is this "truth" in a subjective sense?
K. I believe it happens like this - and it's at this point that Davis introduces his "inwrought adaptation." When each Twin is given "eyes to see," not just the identity of the heretofore hidden Twin but, the primary field of virtue, the Love or the Wisdom, each is so stunned into a bedazzlement at these expressions of spiritual excellence...
E. If I may interrupt for a moment to add something that I'm suddenly getting.
K. Please.
E. These spiritual virtues, Love and Wisdom, in the final analysis, reveal the hidden nature of God - because - that's what Twins do for each other. These gifts of spiritual excellence do not issue, in the truest sense, from the Twins themselves but reflect the Divine Parent(s) who made and empowered them.
K. Yes, of course, and this is another reason why Twins are so shaken and dazed by the beauty of these virtues, which, by way of their "made in the image" status, becomes a de facto unveiling of the divine essence; in similar vein, you and I have often stated that Twins reveal the hidden face of God, each to the other.
E. Let's point out, too, that true love doesn't mean that one isn't aware of possible aspects of immaturity in a mate.
K. That's right; however, it also does not mean that you "settle" for less than the perfection you need and want in a mate; she has to be perfect - perfect for you, or you will never make it through eternal life! Let's talk about this: We all know of a street-savviness which says, “You can’t expect to get all you want from a mate. She’s not going to be Miss Perfect. You have to be willing to take less than you wanted, or you’ll never get married.” There’s a Seinfeld episode where Jerry’s parents are visiting. The mom asks if he’s found a good girl yet, and what happened with that last one. Then dad adds, “Maybe you want too much. You have to learn to settle for less. I had to, when I married your mother”; said he, blandly looking at his wife. This was supposed to be funny, I guess - but Ann Landers’ ranks of the “miserably married” are chock-a-block with legions of couples who “settled,” and spent the next years sincerely repenting for their lack of good judgment.
E. Explain how this works out for Twins, Kriss.
K. They are not unrealistic, they are not blinded to imperfections – their spiritual eyes are well open, or they wouldn’t even have been able to recognize each other as Twins. However, though they may be aware of a point of immaturity, they look beyond the “spot or wrinkle” and see the glorious potential of the one they love. This is the reality for them. There’s no “settling,” not at all. Each gets exactly what he or she always wanted in a mate; truth be told, far, far more, because, as we’ve said, we didn’t even know what we wanted until the sacred beloved presented it to us.
E. I interrupted you earlier, Kriss. Now tell us how the "inwrought adaptation" becomes part of all this.
K. Davis says that the soul expands, that is, reaches out to incorporate the wonder and beauty of these primary-domain virtues. And a soul that "expands" is a soul that "adapts" to the new riches revealed by the counterpartal mate. To state it plainly, the fellow thinks she's so beautiful because his soul has been "modified" or "adapted" to perceive her in all her glory; mainly, a potential glory.
E. And then the newly perceived gift is "worked into" the receiving soul. It's quite a software upgrade.
K. The graphics are awesome. No other guy would view her as beautiful as this! - not to this extent; she needs to realize this. This peak perception is just for him; and, in truth, just for her, too, as she will take her own turn in seeing him in this same sparkling and beguiling light. Let me also say that, because these perceptions need to be "worked into" the soul, this is why, in their immature states, Twins don't necessarily, right off the bat, see each other as the "greatest" or "most" this-or-that. They might not be so crazy about each other from the start.
E. Common wisdom of society suggests that any two pretty "fish in the sea" can fall in love or rekindle early attraction just by dating, spending time together, doing things together, or "working on their marriage." Lots of marriage counselors preach this. But it's not like that. John and Mary tend to believe that the "inwrought adaptation" can be effective for any two willing parties. But that's not how it works.
K. In the history of the world it's never worked. You have to be Twin Souls for the "inwrought adaptation" to kick into high gear. And when it does, you can't shut it down. Next thing you know, he's walking around in a near-perpetual astonishment for all that she means to him. And this won't go away.
E. Be kind to animals. However, Love and Wisdom are truly the new spiritual riches - and wedding gifts to each other.
K. For the receiving lover, each in his or her own turn, the superlative judgment, the "most" and the "greatest," is quite accurate - because, there is no one else, in the entire universe, who is able to perceive the grand human potential in the other; further, as each was "made in the image," there is no one else to facilitate the revelation of the beauty of God's mind - the Love and the Wisdom.
E. Inwrought-adaptationally yours.
the blending is not one-sided
In Star Trek, The Next Generation, Episode, "The Perfect Mate" (1992), we find that Kamala, a "metamorph" has bonded with Picard. She has transformed herself into his requirements for an ideal mate.
But the true "inwrought adaptation" is not one-sided. Each Twin, for the other, becomes exactly what secret wishes had always dreamed of in a darling companion; each becomes the other's personalized definition of happiness. And this is why Kamala is changed by him, as well.

Kairissi. This is an extremely important principle – with many facets.
E. If one is fortunate enough to know the identity of one’s Twin, but cannot be with her, there’s temptation to worry, “what if she likes where she is so much that she’ll never want me” or “what if she forgets what she once felt about me”?
K. We understand the sentiment and are not strangers to it. But, here’s what we learned. These fears represent illusion. It can’t happen; not after a while.
E. It can’t happen because, if someone really is your Twin Soul – think about it! – your Twin Soul. This means that she’s the other half of your being.
K. The ancient Guides suspect that, like a cell of the body dividing and becoming two, a long time ago, a “spark of God”, in some sense, divided, and became the proto-Twins, male and female. And if two share, if you will, the same spiritual DNA, then there’s a mirroring of inner energies that cannot be duplicated with just any pretty face.
a single 'God-cell' dividing into the female and male twin-souls
The following is channeled, via automatic writing, from the other side, published in “Claude’s Second Book,” by L. Kelway-Bamber:
“… when the ‘drop’ of God-force that makes the spirit of man separates from God and comes to the [Earth] world, it divides into halves and goes to two separate mothers, and thus a boy and girl are always born from each ‘drop.’ In fact, on the Earth plane things are generally constituted with a ‘counterpart,’ an opposite; they are male and female, positive and negative. The union of these creates the proper balance and produces something. The ‘bit of God’ in man is ‘im-’, or rather, ‘un’-personal; it is sent to become personal, and to so develop... It is a ‘bit of [God-]life’ [which comes to the Earth] but has no individuality — that, it has to grow and develop here.”
Carlyle Petersilea, in his “Letters From The Spirit World,” offers channeled information from the other side confirming the above assertion of the “germ” of Twin souls dividing and being born to separate mothers and fathers.

Editor’s note: The process by which Twin Souls are created is shrouded in mystery. It seems to be orchestrated on a much higher level of "management" than enjoyed or known of by message-givers in Summerland. Different reports explain it variously, but often or sometimes with the common theme of a single “God-cell” dividing into the female and male Twins. We are led to wonder if the Earth-world cell division relating to physical organisms might serve as metaphor of the grand celestial coming-into-being of Twins.
E. And this means that, as they mature, and “come to themselves,” they will enter a time of intense self-examination, which will reveal an utter longing for the missing Twin, somewhere out there.
K. And this is why a fear of “will he be happy somewhere else” or “will he forget me” is not possible; not when eyes open.
E. And I was thinking, there’s an aspect of “inwrought adaptation” that we’ve not explored.
K. We’d like to know what you see, Elenchus.
E. On “The Wedding Song” prologue page, we quoted ancient Spirit Guides who teach the “law of repulsion” leading to the “law of attraction.”
K. (sighing) That so perfectly addresses what happened to us.
E. But, let’s add to this the “inwrought adaptation.”
K. Please put it together for us, Elenchus.
E. As we’ve stated, when Twins first interact, they might not like each other so much.
K. Because they’re not necessarily Twin Personalities.
E. And because, at the surface of life, they might be different, this can cause them to experience a “repulsion” toward each other.
K. And just to interject, these apparent differences will likely be educationally or culturally induced. In other words, people like, or think they like, only what they know, and usually that’s not much. Later, when Twins live life together, and experience a whole new world of activities together, they will find all manner of common ground to unite them. But, again, all this occurs at the surface of personality. The real bonding takes place on a much deeper level and has nothing to do with “I like camping” and “you prefer to read a book.”
E. Yes, thank you for clarifying that, Kriss. And so these surface items, if mutually contrary, might serve to “repel.”
K. (softly laughing) I’m sorry, I just thought of something funny. On the ‘divorce” page we featured artwork of the middle-school boy shouting, “you play ball like a girl!” (laughing)

E. (smiling) In a very short while he wouldn’t have it any other way.
K. (laughing)
K. (smiling) I promise not to interrupt you again.
E. Actually, the kid playing softball is a good example. He thinks he doesn’t like girls because he imagines they can’t catch a ball.
K. And this is the “law of repulsion.”
E. But, a funny thing happened on the way to first base. It wasn’t long before most of these boys couldn’t care less if girls couldn’t hit a ball as far.
K. (smiling) The “law of attraction.”
E. Now our little example speaks to “attraction” mainly on the ordinary bio-level, but a time will come when the “attraction” will operate in the male mind in a most forcible way; even to the point of “I can’t live without you” and “I will die if I can’t be with you.”
K. (sighing)
E. This is where Davis’ “inwrought adaptation” begins cooking. He said that the soul desires to expand infinitely. And, speaking from the male perspective, his soul is constitutionally put together to seek for Love – this is more than boy-meets-girl. He is made to yearn for Love as universal principle, as embodied in one particular girl, specifically designed, just for him, to reveal that aspect of the Divine Mind which he cannot access, unless she reveals it to him.
K. (softly laughing) “You play Love like a boy!”
E. (laughing)
K. I think this is becoming more clear. The soul “works in” and “adapts to” what was once foreign to it. As it does, the soul expands to meet, realizes the beauty of, what is available from the opposing gender. A more complete vision of God ensues. And the sublime satisfaction that one experiences in this transcendental knowing is often attributed to the beauty of one’s mate. Well, that’s part of it, but there’s much more going on.
E. You know what’s funny?
K. What’s funny?
E. After all these years, a growing spot of disconsolation in my spirit is that… I didn’t ask you to the prom. In fact, it was even worse than that, I didn’t even attend. (sighing) I know, that’s pretty stupid to even think of that after all this time.
K. (softly) It’s alright, Elenchus. “Still waters run deep,” as they say, and your soul had not yet expanded to even realize this was a good thing.
E. (sighing) I marvel at this. Why would I even bring to mind a detail like this, so many decades later?
K. On your deep inside, it doesn’t feel like decades… it feels like... you just lost me, this morning.
E. (deeply sighing) Yes, that's right... I hadn't put it together like that before, but ... that's exactly how it feels... and, I think the "law of attraction" is finally having its full revenge.