Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
Kairissi & Elenchus:
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Elenchus. (sighing)
Kairissi. (softly) What do you want to say to me, Elenchus?
E. (sighing)
K. (silence)
E. I don't know if I can talk about it... I feel too bad.
K. (softly) It's best that you tell me.
E. (sighing) I don't know if... I can forgive you.
K. (silence)
E. I want to... I want it to be the way it used to be... but... I guess I don't trust you, Kriss... you betrayed me.
K. (very softly) I understand your feelings.
E. (sighing) I want to forgive you. Even from a selfish point of view I want to because I know I can't be happy without you. I know I could never be with anyone else. But... I have these images in my mind of what happened... I know I could say the words "I forgive you" and I'd want to mean it, but... how can I trust you? The true romantic love is based on trust and intimacy, but how can I allow myself to open up to you, to make myself vulnerable again, after how you treated me?
K. (silence)
E. I'll tell you what really bothers me. The girl I loved felt the same about me once. She cherished and treasured me. But now it's like I'm at a funeral... like I'm all alone. I feel like the girl I loved has died. And now I can never get her back. And that makes me feel really bad.
K. (softly) What can I do to heal us, Ellus?
E. I don't know. I'd like to just forget about the problem and move on, but I can't seem to let it go. I don't know how to trust you now... My worry is that it might happen again... (sighing) I couldn't go through that a second time... I'd rather live alone... and never see you again.

Bible commentators inform us of three classes of teachers in ancient Israel:
(1) the priests of the temple, who explained the Law to the people; (2) the prophets, who received revelations and messages from God; and (3) the wise, or the elders, older men who had learned success principles by living life.
Proverbs is a collection of aphorisms from “the wise.”
In the closing section, chapter 31, we find several verses offering instruction concerning the ideal wife and mother.

Proverbs 31:10 introduces the ideal wife and states that she is worth far more than gem stones or money in the bank.
But in verse 11 we're given a first glimpse of her commendable character:
He has full confidence in her.
Later in this section, many other stellar qualities are outlined, but they're all prefaced by a primary element of relationship with her; simply stated:
He trusts her.
Without this, nothing else matters.
If she loves me, why did she slap me?

Quantum Leap (1990), episode “Sea Bride”
Sam, Al, and baby sister Jennifer Elizabeth plot how to keep Catherine from marrying the wrong man.
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”
“But she loves you!!”
“Well, if she loves me, why did she slap me?”
“Sam, that just means she loves you!”
"I don't know..."
“She doesn't go around slapping people. Don't you see? You’re the only person who can get her that impassioned! You're the only one she'd bother getting all worked up about!"
“You’re only eleven.”
“I may be young, but I’m not stupid.”
