Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
Kairissi & Elenchus:
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Elenchus. Sometimes it hits me hard that this whole thing between us is just a manufactured problem, something artificial. It started for no good reason.
Kairissi. (silence)
E. On one day things were normal, and the next day there's this huge rift. This should not have happened. There was no reason for it.
K. (sighing)
E. I had a dream about us.
K. (softly) Please share.
E. We were back at school... class was over, and I see you, just over there by your desk... and then, quite naturally, as naturally as breathing, I decide to approach you, and I say, "Hey, Krissi, it's been ages since we've talked. Why don't we go for a walk?"
K. (softly) And what do I say?
E. You hesitate, you don't look at me, and then, groping for an excuse, you say, "I won't have time for a week or more."
K. (silence)
E. In my dream there are other kids nearby, and even they don't buy your answer: "You don't have 10 minutes for a walk?" -- meaning, what's wrong with you?
K. (sighing) And what do you do?
E. First, I'm shocked that you'd try to push me away like this. And then I become angry at your rejection, and say, "Look, don't worry about it." And I walk away and don't look back.
K. (silence)
E. And then, realizing you've caused a bigger problem, you now call after me, "Elenchus, wait!" -- but I keep walking.
K. This dream is a representation of what happened to us. A misunderstanding is compounded by another misunderstanding; egos get involved, tempers flare, feelings of rejection are created out of nothing... and the next thing we know we've wildly veered off course... and now we've lost each other.
E. (sighing)
K. The part of your dream that hurts me the most is that neither of us in real life approached the other to say, "Let's go for a walk and talk." That would have been so simple, and should have been so natural for us, because there was an earlier time when we did things together -- but we didn't ask each other for a walk. Instead, we were too eager to throw ourselves away, to fabricate enmity where there had been easy-going relationship. I stand aghast at the destruction to ourselves, so easily brought into being.
E. (silence)
K. Ellus... do you remember, such a long time ago now... we were joking about two songs and which one might apply to us: "Earth Angel" and "Devil Or Angel." We laughed about this; but... we never thought a day would come when there'd be such a choice for us.

E. I just thought of something… it doesn’t really apply right now, or maybe it does.
K. (softly) What is it, Elenchus?
E. One of our elder relatives said something about us.
K. (silence)
E. She made a simple statement - “some people just need to be married.”
K. (sighing) I’d forgotten she said that about us.
E. Yeah…
the kinda girl you name stars after

Lost (2006), season 3
Editor’s note: I haven’t bothered to look it up, but, as I recall, somewhere in season three of Lost, there’s dialogue very much like this:
Sawyer: “In life, most girls you meet, you have fun with them for a while, you know - and then it’s over. But there’s another kind of girl… and it’s never over… she’s the kinda girl you name stars after.”
In the prologue of the “afterlife evidence” page, we find Elenchus revealing that he’s arranged for a star to be named for the girl he loves. The certificate bears a message:
“Dear Kairissi, it may be a long time before I can give this to you. I was not able to give you anything when we were young. Now it’s my wish to give you all things – one star at a time. Elenchus.”
Is this not why God created stars?
