Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
like spokes of a wheel uniting at the center, many great truths meet and find confluence in the ultimate reality, the evolutionary apex, of Twin Soul love and marriage |
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E. You and I have been on a long journey. Along the way we've been privileged to learn and gain insight, in a beginning way, into some of the most wonderful truths.
K. And what are you thinking, Elenchus?
E. I’m not sure. It’s just that, recently I’ve sensed that many of the best aspects of truth we’ve come to enjoy seem to blend into one.
K. mmm… Tell me more of what you see.
E. Maybe I’m feeling this way because, as you know – more than others – I started from such a low level of awareness.
K. You're my favorite "insentient worm, only vaguely aware of the light."
E. It’s taken me so long to climb my way up into some semblance of consciousness.
K. (softly) Still waters run deep, My Love.
E. (sighing)
K. Tell me what you see.
E. Not much. I think this is one of those things we’d need to talk about to bring it to the surface.
K. Let’s do that.
E. I guess what I see is -- spokes of a wheel…

K. And what does it mean?
E. The spokes are strands of truth, each one important in its own right.
K. And they meet at the center. And what’s at the center?
E. You and me…
K. (smiling)
E. … and everyone else… eventually… when they find true love.
K. So, about these strands of truth – how do they relate to the real love?
E. We've come to see that Twin Soul love and marriage is the purpose of life.
K. (small smile) But that’s only on our good days.
E. Well, that’s sort of funny, but, actually, even on our bad days – and we’ve had our share – I could sense the existential meaning of what we have, despite the hurt feelings of the moment.
K. I like this picture of the spokes and the wheel, it’s easy to understand. Why don’t we talk about each “spoke” of truth and see how all this creates "the center”?
E. All of the spokes of the wheel are arranged without preference. This means that each is equally important.
K. Each contributes equally to the center, and it doesn't matter where you start.
E. So, we could pick any meaningful item of truth and begin there. Would you like to choose one?
K. Well… how about Krishnamurti’s instruction to “simply notice”? It’s not complicated but potent.
E. Good. So the question is, how does “simply notice” relate to Twin love?
K. He said that, if we do this in the right way, we’ll occasionally be treated to a glimpse of “the totality,” the “total field of life.”
E. That’s quite a statement.
K. I don’t think Krishnamurti had true love in mind when he referred to this “totality,” but maybe in this area we’ve seen a little farther than he did.
E. We’ve followed this "spoke” all the way to “the center”?
K. Maybe we have.
E. I believe we’re correct in this, because of what we’ve experienced.
K. He said that we evolve ourselves by heightened awareness, simply by noticing what’s going on in one's head. How does this relate to true love?
E. When we’re feeling fearful or angry or depressed concerning our relationship, if we “simply notice” the fear and allow it to instruct us, we realize that the ego has temporarily taken us over and now we experience “the neediness.”
K. If we were to continue in that egoic frame of mind, we’d soon be like any “John and Mary,” just trying to manipulate each other into “making me happy.”
E. It’s strange. The antidote is to “simply notice.” And when we do, the ego’s neediness starts to shrivel.
K. Ok, so that’s one “spoke” accounted for. Why don’t you pick another?
E. Well, talk of Krishnamurti’s “totality” or “total field of life” reminds me of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov’s “freedom from illusion.” And not just “freedom from illusion” but “the full experience of Reality.” All this, he said, comes from Twin Souls drawing near each other.
K. The mystic Aivanhov’s teachings are among my very favorite.
E. Why do you like them?
K. It has the ring of truth to me. It’s what I’ve experienced in our love. It’s a portal to ultimate reality.
E. Aivanhov is saying that Twin Love is at the center of the wheel.
K. He must have experienced this. Until one does, you wouldn’t say what he’s saying. Instead, you’d give some jaded John-and-Mary comment about “did that once, didn’t work out, not as good as they say.”
E. In other words, popular concepts of romantic love say it’s just illusion. But Aivanhov insists that real love is “freedom from illusion.”
K. A pretty big difference.
E. Give us another “spoke,” Kriss.
K. Here’s an important one. We said that Genesis 2:24 is both the focal point of the Wedding Song and the whole Creation story. We talked about this in the “Earthrise” article.
E. Yes, I love that writing. The Genesis verse says that the whole universe was created just so Twins could “travel on” together.
K. I’ll refrain from saying “oh, that little thing.”
E. Thank you.
K. But, Elenchus, look! – these first three “spokes” all sort of say the same thing. Each one in its own way says that the true love, Twin Soul love, is the whole purpose of everything.
E. Sounds like the “center of the wheel,” like ultimate reality.
K. “Traveling on” is the same as Aivanhov’s Twins in relationship growing closer to “freedom from illusion.”
E. And it’s just another form of Krishnamurti’s “simply notice” as means to defusing the ego.
K. Choose something else.
E. Well, another really important one is from the “evolution” page; in fact, it was one of the most surprising items in that whole study – that, evolution does not go on indefinitely producing more and varied life forms, but plays itself out over long but finite periods of time. As it does, it creates more and more complexity within smaller and smaller domains of activity.
K. I love that. As we incorporate this insight into the entire “wheel” of truth, we perceive that Twin Love is an apex of evolutionary development. We can look forward, not to changes in body type but, to greater levels of intelligence and spirituality.
E. What else might come to mind for you?
K. I liked what we learned about “beauty,” how it has objective standards such as harmony, symmetry, and unity.
E. And that would naturally come into play with evolution operating within a reduced area.
K. Yes, as we become more and more sentient and spiritual, of necessity we also become more complex beings. And if that complexity issues with symmetry and order, beauty will be forthcoming.
E. And I’m thinking of the “creativity” writing and one of the great precepts there; that, great creativity comes into being, not with gradualism but, with “discontinuity.”
K. One moment it’s not there, but suddenly an image of the "something new" is just dropped into your head. No lead up, it’s just – wham – right there. And I think I know how this relates to the “center of the wheel.”
E. Good.
K. As we “travel on,” as we gain “freedom from illusion” and enter that “total field of life,” we do so in an unpredictable way. One moment we don’t see, but the next second we suddenly perceive a deeper vision of true love and joy.
E. You know what?
K. What.
E. Some time ago I used to keep a list about how you made me feel or what I felt about you. What I mean is, I had this list about “you’re the most this-or-that” in different categories of life. When I started the list I thought maybe I’d find 10 or 20 superlative things, but the list kept growing. When I got to 70 items, I began to realize that everything you “touched” in my life felt like “the most.” And so I stopped adding to the list because I hate infinite lists.
K. (small smile)
E. And right now I’m feeling the same way about our little project here.
K. All roads, all spokes, lead to us?
E. I guess so. I could go on listing great things that we’ve learned in the last few years, and I’ll bet every one of them could be made to fit into a pattern of pointing toward “the center.”
K. We know this is correct… because, when you find true love, all things become subservient to it. It’s not called “ultimate reality” just for sport.
