Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
How Twins Affect Each Other From A Distance, Part I:
The power of authentic love and marriage leads Twins to higher levels of intelligence and sentience. As a Spirit Guide instructs, each mate owes “this power of clearer and purer vision to” the other, “whose pure love flows ever to you as a constant stream of crystal water, giving you the power to perceive higher things and [also a clear] perception of [evil] from lower spirits in all their foulness.”
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Editor's prefatory comment:
On the “Dark Realms” page there is channeled testimony by an Italian man, Franchezzo. He died young, but upon transitioning found himself in “dark detention.” His dire strait had been the result of seducing and deceiving many women.
an unscheduled rocking of his world
However, near the end, he was fortunate to meet the love of his eternal life. This rocked his world no end. You’ll want to read the entire account of how her love “saved him” in hell. He now so very much wanted to improve himself, to leave the “rat cellar,” in order to one day live with her in Summerland.
For our purposes here, a short discourse of a superintending Spirit Guide will be highlighted. Franchezzo, in his restitutionary missionary work in the Dark Realms, has just successfully rescued, with some danger to himself, a beleaguered repentant woman trapped among oppressive thugs.
As he receives his next assignment, the Guide comments on the spiritual progress, the rehabilitation, he’s made in his self-sacrificing efforts to help others. But there is another, an absent one, who deserves much credit for Franchezzo’s improvement:
“Know, then, that you owe this power of clearer and purer vision to her whose pure love flows ever to you as a constant stream of crystal water, giving you the power to perceive higher things and a perception of these lower spirits in all their foulness.
you two unconsciously partake of each other's powers
"Between yourself and your beloved one, there is now so strong a link that you unconsciously partake of the powers of her higher nature, even as she shall partake of the strength of yours, and thus, though to yourself, in your own present state of spiritual development, much of the corruption of this place might be glossed over by the art of these dark beings, yet, in the clearer purer perception you draw from her, you possess a power to perceive things as they truly are and must appear to a pure spirit beholding them.
the wicked spirits try to deceive you again - but good luck to them
“Thus the glamour of deception [by the wicked spirits in hell] is thrown over your senses in vain. Great, then, is her love in its protecting power for you, and truly was I told that her love would be as a shield to you, my friend, in all your trials.
as you would have been
"Before we leave this sphere I am to show you another picture that will, I fear, sadden even while it instructs you, and that is the picture of one, such as you would have been without her love, left to battle alone with the hopeless burden of your sins and passions, able to see only as far as your own unaided powers of vision could show you, and deprived of all that well-spring of purity and love that ever flows to you from her.
in the fullness of your gratitude
“When your journey in this place is over you are to follow me to a spot where you will see this other picture, and we know the sight will make you doubly tender and considerate to those unhappy men, whom you can help better than any, since you will know that, but for her saving love, you must have sunk like them, and, in the fullness of your gratitude, we know [that] you will seek to do for others what has been done for yourself."

Elenchus. I’m feeling breathless – my heart is sort of racing.
Kairissi. What is it, Elenchus?
E. Wow, it’s so amazing! – but, if I explain it to others it won’t seem like much.
K. Well, I’m not part of the “others” so you can explain it to me.
E. (deeply sighing)
E. The author’s inset-box above – I think many people would say, in a detached way, "sounds sort of interesting, I'll have to look into Franchezzo’s story sometime". But, when I see all this, and hear the Guide’s comments, I’m just bowled over.
K. What is moving you so?
E. The things the Guide said are things that I’ve discerned in my own spirit to be true. I’ve known these things for a few decades – but I’ve never seen anyone else talk about it.
K. (silence)
E. And I think you know what this means, too, I think you’ve experienced it, as well.
K. It’s one of those things that is so dazzling to realize, and you’re tempted to believe that you’re the only one who’s experienced it, but then you find out that it’s the normal way – but not so much normal for this world, and so only a few would know about it.
E. And now our readers have no idea what we’re talking about.
K. Why don’t you begin, Elenchus? – share with everyone what happened to you; just as it happened to Franchezzo.
E. Thankfully, we don’t have to do a tour of duty in hell to know about this.
K. Doing time in “the rat cellar” is an optional side-trip and not part of the main lesson plan. We can learn about this in better accommodations.
E. Here’s what we mean by all this. There are some who say I’m known for my wisdom and insight. But both of us know that it wasn’t always this way.
K. (small smile) There is the little matter of your early life as the “insensate worm, only vaguely aware of the light.”
E. And so the question becomes, where was the dividing line for me? When did I leave one to become the other?
K. When did you come into your “super powers”?
E. It was well after the time of my youth. I’m reminded of Paderewski's comment when people said he was smart: “A genius? – perhaps; but before I was a genius I was a drudge.”
K. (silence)
E. But then, at mid-life, not having seen you for a very long time, I had, or made, opportunity to speak with you.
K. The truth is, you were trying to get rid of me from “your head.”
E. What happened was, during our 40 minute talk, something totally unexpected came over me. I wasn’t looking for it, I didn’t want it, but it swept me away anyway. Well, we’ve talked about this many times.
K. You’ve used phrases to describe – you called it being immersed in the “utter familiarity,” a sense of “coming home,” of “soulmate myself,” of “you are just like me.”
E. I couldn’t breathe, I was choking, I couldn’t speak, I didn’t know what was happening to me, and so I had to run and hide and get away from you, to think about what had happened.
K. (silence)
E. Well, after that time, my whole life turned upside down. I found myself seeing things, realizing things – about life, God, the universe. I was changing. I grew less angry, and more aware of the “inner life.” This unfolded over several years.
K. And others noticed you were different.
E. Many people, not just one, and those who knew me well, began to say, “What’s happened to you? You’re so different now. You’re not angry the way you used to be.” And some would even say, “How did you get so smart?” And some would even say, “How did you get so far ahead of us?”
K. That is amazing.
E. I was like the character in – what was it from school? – “Flowers For Algernon.” They didn’t know me anymore. I was soaking up knowledge and understanding very quickly, and they wondered what happened to me. Well, I knew exactly what happened, though it took me a fair while to admit it. After that mystical experience with you – after I realized who you are to me – I was never the same. And my spirit started to expand and expand.
K. And so you had a predicament. People would ask, what happened to you, but – how do you say, “Well, I talked for a few minutes to a girl I grew up with, didn’t like her much, didn’t see her for many years, and now I have these abilities of insight.” That would be a hard sell.
E. So I couldn’t tell anybody – and it was hard even for me to believe, but – I knew what happened.
K. Elenchus, and this is exactly what that Guide was saying to Franchezzo:
“Know, then, that you owe this power of clearer and purer vision to her whose pure love flows ever to you as a constant stream of crystal water, giving you the power to perceive higher things and a perception of these lower spirits in all their foulness.
E. It’s uncanny! This is exactly what happened to me! – “the power to perceive higher things”!
K. Along with a concomitant understanding of why evil things are evil: “a perception of these lower spirits in all their foulness.” I mean, this is all you do now, every day, you see the world – the good and the bad – and you have this deep understanding of what’s really happening: “you possess a power to perceive things as they truly are.”
E. And, I think what’s most interesting is how this process is fueled. Look at what he says: she provides to him a “well-spring of purity and love that ever flows to you.”
K. This is really amazing, this power of true love! It changes people from the inside out!
E. And again, “love flows ever to you as a constant stream of crystal water.”
K. Elenchus, how would you explain this in your own words?
E. When you experience the true love from your destined mate – and I’ve always called it the “extreme delight” that I felt from you when we talked that first time – when this is experienced, you’re never the same again. No one, in your whole world, ever wanted you like that.
K. (silence)
E. But when you experience that kind of affirmation to your very existence, then “you’re born again,” you’re a new creature. And now the floodgates of the soul are opened wide, you want to live and love and do everything, and, day by day, you begin to see and know things that few others do.
K. It’s that “constant stream of crystal clear water” of love.
E. That kind of water refreshes as nothing else. It injects an energy and vitality to one's spirit that others do not have. And I also think that the “crystal clear water” serves as contrast to the murkiness of the world and its evil. It's like black and white to you now. You compare everything that comes your way to the refreshing sense of the “clear water,” and the stark difference becomes so obvious that it’s easy to see.
K. Having experienced the overwhelming joy of the real love, you're all done. I think it’s funny what the Guide said about the aftermath: Once we taste of the “crystal clear water,” the wicked spirits will still try to deceive you with their offer of “poisoned candy” but – good luck to them with that. You can’t be tricked now into taking the fool’s gold.
E. We are using metaphors here with the crystal water and the fool’s gold, but I would just like to emphasize that what the Guide said is literally and absolutely true – I know this because I’ve lived it, and continue to do so every day. This doesn’t stop.
K. And Elenchus, we should point out that this transformation is a two-way street. As the Guide said, and as we know from personal experience, Twins affect each other in a dramatic way, help each other to evolve. Each precipitates in the other a spiritual growth; as Jackson Davis said, each becomes “messiah” to the other as each saves the other from an immaturity.
E. Much could be said here, but I suggest we leave this subject now to the meditations of our readers, with the encouragement that it's hard-edged reality, and will happen for each person, at the right time.

Editor's last word:
Let us take note of a certain parallelism. In the previous Franchezzo articles, we often find the Guides referring to a kind of “magnetism,” an affinity and linkage, between oppressors and true-believers. This bond, existing for them in our world, carries over to the Dark Realms, where the still-dominant Dear Leader continues to exercise dominion over his plebs. And the goose-stepping minions, still held in thrall, cannot break away.
Contrast this bizzarro-world nexus with that of good friends, close relatives, but especially Twins. In the present writing we find Franchezzo’s spirit elevated by an ethereal contact with his Beloved. They influence each other, they draw each other to higher planes of being.
Just now I’m reminded of something I learned a long time ago from the Guides’ testimonies. They say that Twins develop spiritually, more or less, at the same rate; that, they tend to be fairly equal in their level of advancement. And while each may, for a time, enjoy a spurt of growth, the other will not be so very long in catching up.
But, in Franchezzo’s account, I think we have a glimpse of how this takes place. Twins' spirits, by some mystical union, mutually draw each other higher and are never separated. And this “never separated” for Twins is another precept of the Guides that they strongly assert.