Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point
two destined ones leading each other to advanced levels of spirituality and evolution |
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In the early years, when, at times, I served the church by visiting members in their homes, the meeting often unfolded according to a certain format.
Much of the conversation would typically focus on trivialities. I’m not a person who likes to “chat” so much, and so this could be a drag for me. After an hour or so, however, it would be time to leave, and we’d be making our way to the door.

But now, very near the door, just about to exit, one of the family asks an important question about life or God. And now we’re standing, hat in hand, that hand on the doorknob, finally beginning to discuss meaningful issues.
Recently, I was reminded of this long-ago awkward posture of the church-visit. It came to me when I reviewed one of the concluding writings of “The Wedding Song.” It’s one of my favorite writings – the “Earthrise Restatement.”

Therein, a few years after finishing the main body of commentary for the Song, I offered some new insights. However, I was struggling to express what I really meant. And it wasn’t until the very end, in a “postscript” yet, “with hand on doorknob,” that finally I was able to succinctly put into words a very important insight for the Song.
I’d like to invite you to read the entire “Earthrise Restatement,” but let’s look at that “postscript” right now:

Editor’s postscript: After completing the above writing, much of my time was spent finishing both the “Evolution” report and the “Omega Point” book. As I did, certain elements of “The Wedding Song” enjoyed a much sharper focus. Here’s what I learned.
The universe and the Earth are subject to entropy, a general running down of all systems. This is well known in physics. However, Universal Intelligence, at least four times in the last 15 billion years, to effect its goals and purposes, has defied entropy with an injection of complexity and order: these four "creative discontinuities" are
(1) the coming of matter and energy (“the Big Bang”),
(2) the coming of biological life expressed in numerous body types (“the Cambrian Explosion”),
(3) the coming of sentient life, human beings, and
(4) the coming of advanced "Omega Point" spiritualized humanity, Twin Souls, reflecting Mother-Father God.
All of these represent "something never seen before." All of these, as bursts of "creative discontinuity," occurred with no prelude, no incremental gradualism, no warning. See the "Evolution" report for much discussion here.
how sane would you like to become: can we say 'this much, no more, I'm fine now, thanks anyway'
“The Wedding Song” focuses on level (4) of this momentous evolutionary progression. And this is why the Song emphasizes process so much – because there is no end to perfecting human beings in terms of becoming more godlike, more sentient, more sane, with greater joy, love, peace, and happiness.
Yes, how sane would we like to become? - "more tea?" shrieked the Mad Hatter.

oh what is the hatter with you
The "life" that Twins offer each other, that is, draw from each other's sacred inner being, represents our Omega-Point destiny, living on the "level of the gods," Universal Intelligence's grand "creative discontinuity."
(4) It's a final-stage "life," reserved for advanced beings who begin to reflect ultimate reality, the unlimited mind and loving nature of the "Mother-Father" Creator. There's no end to this.
And now I'm feeling like van Gogh, wishing you could see what I see.
overwhelmed by images of eternity, wishing that others could see what I see

“When facing a flat landscape, I see nothing but eternity. Am I the only one to see it? I want so much to share what I see.” Vincent van Gogh
The postscript presents one of the best descriptions of “Omega Point” - the future of humankind and how we’ll get there. You’ll see it, too, but first you’ll need to do a bit of homework.
“Omega Point” becomes natural extension of understanding some of the aforementioned major concepts: how evolution really works, creative quantum discontinuities, the four major bursts of advancement in the history of the universe, Sheldrake's morphic fields, what the fossil record tells us, the principle of entropy, the primacy of consciousness not matter, knowledge of the true self and false self, and the message of “The Wedding Song.”
What does all this mean put simply? It means that eternal Twin Soul lovers represent the pinnacle of human evolution. It's what Mother-Father God had in mind as gift to us, and what we've all been searching for, since the beginning.