Editor's last word:

The lotus position becomes a symbol of all that one should not do concerning attaining enlightenment. It is a visual representation of rigidity, formula, doctrinairism, ritual, reductionism, and “buying and selling” the mystical experience “for $49.95.”
The lotus position is advocated by those who’ve never had the real thing but, as K rants at times, want to fool you into thinking they know something.
No one call tell you how to enter enlightenment because the path of approach is not a “how” to be conquered. The best advice is not a sure-fire method, roadmap, or secret plan. The process, in fact, is a burgeoning life within which, like a seed, will germinate, sprout, and grow, when it, alone, decides that it’s the right time.
K, in the above lecture, speaks of “no effort,” or the “instantaneous,” concerning this quest. This is correct. It’s like slipping into a zone.
When you have this (or, better, when it has you) it will, so to speak, “meditate for you,” you don’t have to do anything, it will take you for a ride.
Goethe: "The inner light will come out of us, so that we will no longer need any more light."
I do not mean in the sense of “wild lights” and “phantasmagoric,” “psychedelic” pandemonium. I suppose this could happen, but when you experience the real thing, you wouldn’t even want the “strobe-light show” display.
What does all this mean? No one can tell you. When it happens for you, you will know. You might forget your name, but you will know the truth of these things.
It is an inner burgeoning of overwhelming well-being, seemingly, bursting to rise to the surface of consciousness – not all the time in this over-the-top way, but, more-or-less, always in “active mode,” if only subtly.
Let me say this, too – you wouldn’t want it to be more than this. The “subtle mode” is well powerful enough and you will often be grateful for the respite as “full mode” can bring with it a sense of shattering, which will prompt, when this occurs, you to lie down, before you fall down - the intense feelings of surreal joy can be more than devastating. And, with no drugs.
I think, in this life, our biological organisms are not able to handle "full throttle" experience of this evolutionary event. It would feel like we're being destroyed. The full monty of all this awaits us in the next realms.
Final note: Here are my suspicions concerning how this process begins. While “truth is a pathless land,” meaning, enlightenment comes to each of us via a different avenue of approach, that initial meeting could have something to do with one’s particular talents, interests, proclivities, all of which speak to one’s particular destiny. In my own case, an inner sightedness commenced in conjunction with an unscheduled but explosive mystical experience revealing the nature of Twin Soul love and marriage. At the time, I was not looking for this, but, it would seem, the “inner guidance” well knew of my hidden penchant for this information and direction. This causes me to theorize that “the awakening” might very well coincide with an unfolding of natural inclinations which, later, might define one’s work or focus on the other side of life.