Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Biblical Creationism and Darwinism
speak at each other,
conduct themselves,
as rival religions,
and should be viewed as such
return to "Evolution Controversy" contents page
James P. Hogan: “A physicist that I know commented that many other scientific disciplines, such as geology, anthropology, astronomy, are also challenged by biblical fundamentalism, but their people seem to be able to get on with their work without worrying unduly. Only Darwinians seem thrown into a frenzy that sends them running to litigation and demanding censorship. His explanation was that it's a rival religion.”
In the “Cultism” writings we learned that anything can be viewed or made into a cult. It’s not just “drinking the kool-aid” – that’s a trivialization of the subsuming psychological dysfunction in play.
When people attach their sense of self-worth to an idea; when self-identities are merged with a movement; when the facts don’t matter but only the dogmas of elevated "infallible" gurus are considered; when people fight, and froth, for a concept as if their lives depended on it – we’re witnessing cult-psychology in action. See my extensive writings on the subject of “Cultism.”
What’s at the bottom all this? The frenzied participants, on either side of the aisle, would not be able to tell you. But, from the great psychologists we learn that it is the fear of death on display.
How does this work?
Those who cultishly defend Darwinism do so because, at rock bottom, the fear of death terrifies them. They believe, at least on a subliminal level, that failure in the evolution debate, in this zero-sum game as they view it, automatically means that Biblical Creationism wins. And if they win, then, it is feared, one will give credence to, or be subjected to, the judgments of an angry God, an undetermined fate in the afterlife, and the terrors of punishment due to sin in one’s life.
Well, none of this is true, but only the propaganda of Big Religion. But those who promote materialistic science assume that it would be true, or might be true, if they lose the evolution debate. For them, its viscerally true, a psychological terror.
And, of course, so much of Traditional Religion operates on cultish principles -- they virtually define and become poster-boys for the term -- which I have discussed often and elsewhere.
Both camps have part of the truth, but neither side is truly willing to allow an adversary to score any points. This kind of bigotry, on both sides, is really the fear of death on parade.
more than drinking the koolaid
The long reach of cultism encompasses much more than crackpot churches. The root idea of cult offers the sense of "cut." This core concept of "cut" leads us to images of refinement and refashioning and, by extension, development, control, pattern, order, and system.
Cultism as systemization finds a ready home in religion and philosophy which seek to regulate and redistill the patterning and ordering of ideas. However, in a larger sense, the spirit of cultism extends to every facet of society. We find it scheming and sedulously at work in politics, academia, family, corporations, entertainment, science, artistry – anywhere power might be gained by capturing credulous and fear-based minds.
See the “cultism” page for a full discussion.
