Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Truly, I say to you,
by no means will you get out of prison
till you have paid the last penny!
return to the main-page article on "Hell"
This New Testament verse was featured in the "Jesus" article. You might find it helpful to review it there for additional information.
The "truly" verse also speaks to the nature of dark "prison," the mandated solitude and introspection.
Strict justice rules that domain. But do not allow this exactitude to trouble you. It's not meant to be frightening. As we come to perceive the underlying philosophy guiding the afterlife society, we will want a "strict justice" to apply.
Jesus speaks of "paying the last penny" and "by no means" will this sentence be mitigated in any way. Given the "cultural baggage" which burdens us in these discussions, it is natural for us to fear that Jesus' dictum refers to endless punishment for misdeeds.

But recall that there is no punishment over there - it's all about education. People spend time in dark detention in order to initiate, to decide upon, a personal program of making right the acts of past selfishness.
As stated, with each selfless deed, we increase the light-production within our spirits. Some people have done a lot of bad things, and so they have a lot of "pennies to pay," if you see what I mean. But the positive part about this is that, with each penny paid, the light within grows and grows!
How much does it need to grow - just to get "back to zero," so to speak? Well, that depends on how many pennies are owed, which is, the degree of past malfeasance in one's life.
We want "strict justice," because we want all of that darkness to be removed. We want all of those pennies to be paid back - because this is our personal "salvation."
We wouldn't want the debt to be only partially repaid because this would leave us in partial darkness - which would greatly hinder our capacity to enjoy life in Summerland.
No, we want to pay all of the debt, and we want "strict justice" in this - no "pardons from the Governor," please.
Everyone who crosses over will need to pay some pennies to the greater good. The realization of this might occur when one finds him or herself in a shadow-land or dark detention. But here's some good news: as soon as we make the decision to do better in our lives, a Spirit Guide will lead us to a better environment. It might not be full 5-star accommodation quite yet, but that's ok. It will come soon enough. Each day our joy will grow more palpable as we pay each of those pennies back.

Editor's note: You might want to acquire a CD from James Webster regarding the personal testimony of Abu the ancient Egyptian, from 3500 years ago. We learn from Abu - today a highly advanced, sophisticated, and well-educated Spirit Guide - that, in his mortal time on the Earth, he was a bad dude, worked as a temple priest, made a lot of enemies, and ended up being murdered and thrown in a ditch.
Abu's case was "hard core," well beyond the misdeeds of most of us; as such, when he landed on the other side, he found himself in a very unpleasant place. He reports that for a long time, he just wanted to fight and resist life - a condition of "gnashing of teeth," as Jesus used the phrase - but, eventually, having suffered a great deal in isolation, he began to "come to himself," and when he did, a Spirit Guide materialized and asked him if he was serious about getting out of "prison."
From that time, he reports, he devoted himself to service, as directed by his advisors. His own progress, he said, was very slow - by inches, each day - given his "hard core" status. However, after some long period of time, "paying his pennies," he had gathered to himself sufficient inner light to fit himself for life in a beautiful world. Today, he lives in realms beyond Summerland as a wise and advanced Guide.
As we've said elsewhere, "I'm now qualified to teach and to warn others about evil... because... I know it so well."