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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


'Cosmic Voices'

George Harrison



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 from https://www.cosmicvoices.network/harrison


George Harrison (1843-2001) was an English musician, singer, songwriter, and music and film producer who achieved international fame as the lead guitarist of the Beatles. Sometimes called "the quiet Beatle", Harrison embraced Indian culture and helped broaden the scope of popular music through his incorporation of Indian instrumentation and Hindu-aligned spirituality in the Beatles' work.

via Jeanne Love, July 24, 2020

Perhaps this is one of the best lines in writing to describe the wandering soul and the difficulties that remain with those who are not yet “self-discovered” -- those who have not yet asked themselves some vital questions like: Why am I here? What is my role? What am I supposed to be looking for? And the always-important question, How can I help? ...

It is important for people still living in the material world to understand that they see and experience only a very small portion of what is considered life, creation...

My point today is this: We don’t die. Our bodies, no longer able to support us, crumble away under the pressure of the material world, but the soul, spirit of who we truly are, continues for an infinity of creation...

Please consider that you already KNOW why you are here and because that knowledge is locked deeply inside of you

It IS about opening the door to the many possibilities of life and to have permission to explore. From there comes gratitude and wisdom, peace and healing. When we give ourselves permission to seek this wisdom and understanding we also give ourselves permission to open the doorway to the SOUL and that is the end game

Namasté my friends. I am still here.

George Harrison




(excerpts of a second message, Feb 21, 2025)

I’m not a big shot over here. I'm not a famous celebrity. I'm not a special musician or lyricist. I'm George.

You see, here we are all celebrities, all important, and all quite extraordinary. We are a part of a whole, and without this part, well, the whole would be missing something, now wouldn't it?

I spent nearly my entire life preparing to cross over, making it easy on my spiritual being to transition from my famous persona to the spirit-soul of who I am. What a delight to discover I was prepared. I merely slipped out, ready to engage with the soul…

So, why am I here?

I wish everyone to know that the light within will make a difference in a world filled with fear and paranoia. I ask that each one of you sit quietly and hold space for your light, your spiritual essence, to glow brilliantly…



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