Word Gems
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Quantum Mechanics
Dr. Frederico Faggin
Is the quantum realm just a mathematical description or is it something real with its own ontology?
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Editor's note:
Dr. Frederico Faggin is one of the heavyweight scientist-inventors of the 20th century. In 1971 he developed the first silicon chip, the microprocessor at the heart of all electronic devices today. He also produced the new touch-sceen technology.
Currently, he is writing, lecturing, and advocating what he feels to be an even more fundamental revolution in science - that consciousness, not matter, is the ground of all reality.
from https://besharamagazine.org/science-technology/consciousness-as-the-ground-of-being/
Consciousness and Quantum Reality
Richard: As I understand it, in your model, you basically identify our interiority with the quantum world.
Federico: Yes. Up until now, quantum reality has been considered by many physicists to be just an abstraction – a mathematical description that allows us to predict the probability of things we can measure in space–time. But in the last 20 years, we have begun to build quantum computers, and these operate in a way that is impossible for classical computers; they can do simultaneous computations that would have to be done serially with classical computers.
Now it’s one thing to say that there is an abstract quantum world that allows us to make probabilistic predictions. But it is another thing to say that we can do computations in an abstract world and get the result in our physical world. To do computation, the quantum world must be real somehow.
Most people working in the field don’t worry about what’s going on at a deeper level; they just want to develop faster computers. But it is important for us, because now we have established that the quantum world is real, we can also say that it is the realm where communicating conscious entities exist and have their own experiences.
This is the basis of our model, which is actually now a theory, and will be published in a book entitled Artificial Intelligence vs Natural Intelligence that should come out shortly.[2] (The full article is already available online, click here [/].)
The first author is Giacomo Mauro D’Ariano. He is a physicist and an expert in quantum information, who has been able to show that quantum physics derives entirely from quantum information. From quantum physics we then derive what we can measure in our physical world. So, in this theory, consciousness does not arise from the information generated in the physical world. It is instead a quantum phenomenon that creates the information that we then perceive as the physical world.
Editor's last word:
Also see youtube interviews of Dr. Faggin, for example, here:
wherein Dr. Faggin makes comments, such as, "The structure of matter is isomorphic [“equal form”] to the cognitive structure of consciousness, which can reflect itself [in matter]"; our "bodies reflect the accumulated learning of consciousness; matter is the ink with which consciousness writes its own self-knowing."