Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Reincarnation On Trial
A teacher from the other side channeled this information: “I love this life, I feel the upward longing, I am sure that I will progress from here and not return to the old dismal Earth … The reincarnationists have no proof, except in their own imaginations."
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Editor’s note: Charlotte Dresser, in the 1920s, for several years, communicated with her sister Dee, and a good friend Mary, on the other side via automatic writing. I count Charlotte’s books as first-rate among a great many reviewed. While it’s not possible, it seems, to communicate flawlessly with the other side due to many systemic difficulties with the process, Charlotte and her associates get it right on several major aspects of natural law. I highly recommend her books.
Her friends on the other side warn Charlotte about the many unqualified teachers over there, ones who spew nonsense to uninitiated listeners on Earth.
“Why does the world spend its care and thought on the fleeting shadows of earth life, rather than study the conditions of the heavenly one which is to last forever?"
"You tell us that the world does not believe the messages from here because of the false teaching that comes to earth from those pretending to be heavenly guides. It is true that many undeveloped and mischievous ones on this plane are sending false and foolish teaching to whoever will receive it there. Yet, does the world abandon religion because of its grievous errors? Do teachers stop teaching because ignorant ones put forward wrong ideas? Do honest men give up their honest business because dishonest ones are busy in graft or robbery? Do physicians stop healing the sick because of the unlearned pretenders in their profession?
"Good and evil have gone on together since the world began, and it is still a conflict even on this plane. It is for the wise ones of earth to recognize the truth in the teaching from here, and to discard that which is not true. Learn to discriminate. Learn to discover the spirit beneath the words, and judge of its sincerity by its spiritual value.”
"Can you tell us some of the difficulties from your side?"
"I think you do not comprehend the difference in the intelligence of spirits, for some have only the conception of spirit life that was theirs when they left the earth. Many are like children and could not intelligently describe the life here.
“Others tell things that are not true, sometimes in ignorance, sometimes in mischief. Sometimes the newly arrived spirit may still be impressed by its own earth conceptions, and may send those mistaken views to earth.
"You must not forget that upon this plane that is nearest to earth, both good and evil forces meet. All come here; and even the malicious ones can communicate with those on earth who will receive their messages. This is one of the evils of the 'open door,' and must be carefully guarded against. Do not harbor thoughts of hatred or revenge; for they will call towards you the evil-minded here, and evil is the result. Be true to high ideals."
"Be critical, but be patient and fair-minded. Cast out everything that proves to be a mistake, but keep your faith in us nevertheless. Try to see the persistent effort we are making to draw you toward us; and if we sometimes fail, try to be patient with our failures and let us try again. You must understand that the psychic power here is as necessary for communication as it is there. Not all here have that gift. We do not have it in full degree, and you say of yourself that you are not strong in psychic power; so you may understand that we are not perfect senders and you are not a perfect receiver. But if you are patient and conscientious we may get much truth to you."
"The dangers of false teaching from that side were called to our attention and summed up as follows:
"First, those newly arrived, with only their earth desires and knowledge.
"Second, the really wicked ones who have not left their malicious influences in the grave, and will lead others astray if possible.
"Third, those who, though good, are mistakenly so, and still cling to the convictions of their earthly education,—its mistaken beliefs, creeds, etc. Those who wish to receive the truth from this side must cultivate discrimination, must desire the spiritual teaching, with its pure and unselfish conditions. Yet even then, care and always care should be taken, that the message does not suffer in transmission, and does not get entangled in the mind-thought of the medium."
Editor’s note: Charlotte and her friends speak of the error of reincarnation:
“The question of progress after the close of the material life, and, especially, continued progress throughout eternity, is a stumbling block for many in their search for truth. The old idea of complete knowledge and perfection of character for the select few who would be privileged to walk the golden streets, still clings with many, together with the idea that those who miss this happiness must spend eternity in some other place. Some believe that we are allowed another chance in a second existence on earth…
“Mary replied: ‘He (a believer in reincarnation) is gone, but we think that is his belief." Then she continued: ‘He is strongly hypnotized by his earthly studies and beliefs, and it may be long before he comes out of them. But he will drop these ideas some time. His belief in Nirvana is the most dreary part of it: an endless inactivity of contemplating one's own bliss…
“Then she added so emphatically the pencil nearly tore the paper:
‘Our teachers from the higher planes say nothing of the kind ever happens.’ Our various readings brought up the subject several times and Mary started further: ‘Many spirits here keep their belief in reincarnation for a time, and send back messages to the world stating this belief. But there is no such thing as physical reincarnation. Once a spirit, always a spirit. The progress goes on from here instead of beginning all over again in some earthly career…
"There is no such thing, the higher teachers tell us. And surely, progress on this side is far easier than the blundering of earthly lives no matter how often repeated. We have not believed in it … We progress from plane to plane and sphere to sphere…
'Do they (believers in reincarnation) not progress enough to hear your teachers?'
"No, that is the trouble. They become absorbed in the one idea and may keep it for uncounted years."
Mary: “I love this life, I feel the upward longing, I am sure that I will progress from here and not return to the old dismal earth… The reincarnationists have no proof except in their own imaginations."
Editor's last word:
"Good and evil have gone on together since the world began, and it is still a conflict even on this plane. It is for the wise ones of earth to recognize the truth in the teaching from here, and to discard that which is not true. Learn to discriminate. Learn to discover the spirit beneath the words, and judge of its sincerity by its spiritual value.”
"Be critical, but be patient and fair-minded. Cast out everything that proves to be a mistake."
In the end, our own rational faculties, and a resonance with an inner revulsion of "R," become final teachers on this question.
Trust your inner guidance. Believe it when it decries the dismal prospect of returning to the troubled Earth. Do not be deceived by psychologically deformed so-called teachers over there who preach "R."
There are many of these dysfunctional ones. Read about them in the article, "500 tape-recorded messages from the other side."