Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Surrender & Acceptance
the ego's training wheels
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Editor’s note: This writing is being posted on several pages, including “true self,” “reincarnation,” “surrender and acceptance,” and others.

On the “Summerland 1-minute” page, we explored the question “Will I ever feel good again?” having experienced the traumas of life on Earth. There is ample evidence to indicate that we will, in fact, enjoy substantial well-being when we transition to our home-world.
A closely related question, too, is “Will I always be tempted or tormented by the dysfunctional ego?” As we’ve discussed in other articles, it frequently creates a sense of “otherness,” a “me against them” dynamic, which, if allowed to express, becomes the root cause of all evil on the “sorrowful planet.”
Editor’s note: On the “consciousness” page, we asked “Why is world peace so elusive?” Why can’t people just live quietly and peaceably, instead of grasping for more and more? The solution to such is not to be found in political treaties but within the realm of spirituality. Every bad thing that people do on Earth might be traced back to its source, the ego’s distorted perception of “I don’t have enough” because “I am not enough.” World peace, in any meaningful sense of the term, must begin with peace within the individual heart and mind.
As one’s “eyes open” to greater awareness, we see the tricks and wiles of the ego more plainly, always trying to get its own way, always inclined toward using others to fill up the emptiness inside. As such, we’re led to ask:
What will happen to this egocentrism-toward-evil when we cross over? Can it be removed? Do even the ancient Spirit Guides still have to deal with this sordidness within?
We might wonder if this “inner poison” could somehow, like a festering cancer, be surgically removed. How can we truly enjoy our eternal life in Summerland if we’re constantly having to monitor ourselves to maintain equanimous mind?
This “trying very hard” won’t work though. We can’t just excise the ego -- because we need it. The ego is our sense of “I” and our most fundamental purpose in coming to the Earth is to become a person in our own right. We need this perception of individuality, supplied by the ego, to eventually emulate the mental freedoms associated with Mother-Father God.
But if the ego cannot be expunged from our beings, how will it finally be “neutered and declawed”?
the energies of the ego need to be reorganized
The ego is not a thing as such, not part of the brain we can point to. It’s more of an energy creating a certain orientation or direction. It has a goal. The ego is intent upon making us independent, autonomous sons and daughters of God. Without this element of personal freedom, we would exist and function only robotically with no capacity for creativity or self-management. The ego creates individuality as this takes us to the essence of what it means to be human.
the ego feels like a rogue element of one’s person right now
In one’s immature state, the ego’s constant “me against them” mode of thinking does not create a good person -- but it does create a person. As the ego strives with all others, it fashions us, almost inadvertently, into a separate and stand-alone entity. And this is the first step in fitting ourselves for what comes next in Summerland.
training wheels
But the immature ego’s near-constant, sometimes relentless, emphasis on “me-ism” and “I need to get mine” serve as “training wheels” to the process of becoming a person.

We don’t really need to be so “me against them” to build a sense of individuality, but, for immature ones, it’s the easy way of becoming an autonomous person.
learning by suffering is an optional side-trip
A long time ago I came across someone’s very wise saying that, we learn by suffering and pain only until we’re ready to learn by joy and positive experiences. I didn’t understand the significance at the time.
Editor’s note: It’s not the good or bad experience per se that changes us, but these might eventually open a doorway and invitation to the inner life, which was there all the time. Reincarnation teaches that much experience will transform us, but this is error. See much discussion on the “reincarnation” page and also below.
We can get rid of the “training wheels” any time we like, but most do not yet understand this. We can move from learning by suffering to learning by joy when we choose to.
What does this mean?
It means that the energies of the ego can be reorganized. It will still lead us toward a greater sense of individuality but without the dross of “me against them.”
The ego can be restructured to operate on a higher level. When this happens, a fostered and strengthening individuality is no longer prompted by “me against all” but now we’re led by “I love life and want to live it to the max.” And this is how the mature and ancient ones on the other side experience life.
By what process is the ego reoriented?
Not by a “gritting of the teeth” and “trying very hard.” A disciplined and stalwart effort might produce temporary change at the surface of life, but eventually it all falls apart in “burn out.” It takes too much energy to live in this constrained manner, and programs built upon a philosophy of intense regimentation always fail in time. 100%.
Then what does work?
It happens easily and naturally. Briefly, we simply need to allow the “inner life,” one’s soul energies, to percolate upward from the depths. When this occurs, it transforms one’s entire surface-conduct and view of life, and it will also reorient the energies of the ego.
Dr. Joseph Campbell spoke of this:

from the book, “The Power Of Myth,”
a discussion with Dr. Joseph Campbell

Moyers: I remember a lecture in which you drew a circle, and you said, "That's your soul."
Campbell: Well, that was simply a pedagogical stunt. Plato said somewhere that the soul is a circle. I took this idea to suggest on the blackboard the whole sphere of the psyche. Then I drew a horizontal line across the circle to represent the line of separation of the conscious and unconscious. The center from which all our energy comes I represented as a dot in the center of the circle, below the horizontal line… Now, above the horizontal line there is the ego [the thinking mind, the chattering in the head that won't shut down], which I represent as a square: that aspect of our consciousness we identify as our center. But, you see, it’s very much off center. We think this is what’s running the show, but it isn’t.
Moyers: What’s running the show?
Campbell: What’s running the show is what’s coming up from way down below…
Yes, what’s “running the show”? Not what we are at the surface of life but the inner “made in the image” soul energies; that is to say, our hidden link to God, to Universal Consciousness.
Lock-down: it seems that it will be possible to protect and sequester one’s thoughts, not only from outside observers but also internally, from one’s lower nature.
Father Benson indicates that we'll have an ability to control the random appearance and onslaught of hurtful images of the ego which plague us here on Earth.
From "Life In World Unseen":
I have said that my mind was alert [immediately after death]. That is an understatement. I discovered that my mind was a veritable storehouse of facts concerning my earthly life. Every act I had performed, and every word that I had uttered, every impression I had received; every fact that I had read about, and every incident I had witnessed, all these, I found, were indelibly registered in my subconscious mind. And that is common to every spirit person who has had an incarnate life.
It must not be supposed that we are continually haunted, as it were, by a wild phantasmagoria of miscellaneous thoughts and impressions. That would be a veritable nightmare. No. Our minds are like a complete biography of our earthly life, wherein is set down every little detail concerning ourselves, arranged in an orderly fashion, and omitting nothing. The book is closed, normally, but it is ever there, ready to hand, for us to turn to, and we merely recall the incidents as we wish…
Of course, when we are in the spirit world our memories are persistently retentive. When we follow a course of study in an subject whatsoever, we shall find that we learn easily and quick because we are freed from the limitations that the physical body imposes upon the mind. If we are acquiring knowledge we shall retain that knowledge without fail. If we are following some pursuit where dexterity of the hands is required, we shall find that our spirit bodies respond to the impulses of our minds immediately and exactly. To learn to paint a picture, or to play upon a musical instrument, to mention two familiar mundane activities, are tasks which can be performed in a fraction of the time that they would take when we are incarnate. In learning to lay out a spirit garden, for example, or to build a house, we shall find that the requisite knowledge is gained with equal ease and speed—in so far as our intelligence will allow; for we are not endowed with keen intellects the moment we shake off the physical body. If that were the case, these realms would be inhabited by supermen and superwomen, and we are very far from that!
But our intelligence can be increased; that is part of our progression, for progression is not only of a spiritual nature. Our minds have unlimited resources for intellectual expansion and improvement, however backward we may be when we come into the spirit world. And our intellectual progression will advance surely and steadily, according to our wish for it to do so, under the learned and able masters of all branches of knowledge and learning. And throughout our studies we shall be assisted by our unfailingly retentive memories. There will be no forgetting.
an ability to selectively shut out or welcome, at will, any sound or sight
From "Life In World Unseen":
We can, if we so will, deliberately keep our thoughts to ourselves; but, if we should think idly, as it were; if we should just let our thoughts ramble along under a loose control, then they can be seen and read by others.
we can place our own thoughts under a good control
One of the first things to be done upon arrival here is to realize that thought is concrete, that it can create and build, and then our next effort is to place our own thoughts under proper and adequate control.
And this, concerning musical sounds of nature over there:
There are few minds—if any—that could possibly endure such a continuous plethora of sound, however beautiful it may be. We should sigh for peace and quietness; our heaven would cease to be heaven. No, the music is there, but we please ourselves entirely whether we wish to hear it or listen to it. We can completely isolate ourselves from all sound, or we can throw ourselves open to all sound, or just hear that which pleases us most.
In the spirit world we are free … whether it be to shut out any sight or sound that we do not wish to experience. On the other hand, we can—and do—open our minds and attune ourselves to absorb the many glorious sounds that come rising up all round us. We can open our minds—or close them to the many delectable perfumes that spirit nature casts abroad for our happiness, and contentment. They act like a tonic upon the mind, but they are not forced upon us—we merely help ourselves to them as we wish. It must ever be borne in mind that the spirit lands are founded upon law and order.
one's inner life is like an artesian spring, ever bubbling, bringing up from the depths, the mind of God
I recall a comment by Jesus, reported in the Gospel of John, chapter four. In his discourse to the woman at the well in Samaria, Jesus spoke of the inner life as a kind of artesian spring, ever bubbling and issuing forth, with no effort on our part required at all. The woman, who was weary of the hard work of drawing water from a well, said, “Oh, please show me this source of water, it would be so wonderful to have this without all the hard work.” But he wasn’t talking about common H2O but another kind of refreshment.
Being directed, and living, by “the joy” reminds me of a favorite writing on the WG site: “What we stay alive for.”
Once we experience “the joy,” we just want to live that way all the time. This positive and uplifting energy, emanating from the hidden soul-energies, begins to pervade one’s entire being, and even the ego, the former domain of “me against them”, is transformed in the onslaught.
There are many teachers on the other side who say that it’s easier to learn our ‘kindergarten’ lessons here, on the difficult and sorrowful planet. What do they mean by this?
For many years I didn’t understand their message, but I think it’s clearer now.
In the opening paragraph, I said that we will feel very good when we live in our home-world, Summerland. So good, in fact, that many teachers over there lament that lots of people don’t really want to do all that much, just walk on a beach or sail a boat. They don’t want to study or serve others but just to lollygag about. And they will do this, maybe, for quite a long time, until they awaken to higher, broader callings from the inner life.
In other words, we feel so good over there that it would be much more difficult, as we said, to become persons in our own right. Here, someone or something is always poking or jabbing us, which prompts us to react in “me-ism”, but there’s none of that unpleasantness in Summerland. Now, many babies and small children take up residence there without having achieved a sturdy personhood, but, with help and guidance, it is possible for them to “finish kindergarten”, the ABCs of becoming a person. But it’s more difficult there. And maybe we can see why now.
Editor's last word:
In the above testimonies, we have several indications that the mind, in Summerland, will enjoy a capacity to strictly control its own domain. It would appear that we will no longer be tormented by the arbitrary presentings of ego-images.
