Word Gems
exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity
Soulmate, Myself:
The Wedding Song
Revisited: Twin Souls 'travel on':
What will occupy our daily lives for the unfathomable immensity that is eternity?
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Editor’s prefatory comment:
I'm prompted, in the main, to write these articles as my own tentative assessment of the mysteries of life. It seems to me that, if I’m bothered by a certain question, then maybe it’s crossed the minds of others, as well. If so, the following may be of interest and a help. It was to me, and I’m grateful to find myself in receipt of the better perception.
As point of chronology to my own awakening, this is being presented just after the production of the five sister-writings on existential beauty.
We left The Wedding Song’s newly-married couple happily “traveling on”. We learned that Spirit authors of the Song had edited the original Genesis verse by deleting “[a man] shall be joined to his wife” and substituting “they shall travel on.”
A man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
And they shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.
As it was in the beginning is now and til the end
Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.
And there is Love, there is Love.
We said, especially in the “Earthrise Restatement,” that “traveling on” indicates an endless process of growing toward oneness and harmony.
All this is “good doctrine” and we might intuitively sense the rightness of it. But, shall we attempt to further clarify “traveling on”?
All great questions of life are never unraveled in a moment. We chip away at them. We’re granted better vision - accretively, in brief “sparks” of insight, over the years.
Editor's note: We will always attend this kind of classroom as it's how God teaches us - but only as we're ready to receive, as much as we can take. Fragile creatures that we are, we are not rushed headlong into the full blaze of reality on our first day. And even a "spark" of insight is too much for most people right now.
The more generalized proposition here becomes, what will we be doing, on a daily basis, for all eternity?
The very question petrifies us. It sends us to existential short-circuiting. In the “Will you survive the terrors of living forever?” articles, I offered this summarizing inset-box:

Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Ironman: "the existential terror of staring into the void of space"
When people are asked what they’d like to do in Summerland, some look forward to engaging in favorite sports. This could remind us of Captain Kirk in the “Nexus.”
it's just not the same thrill
In the movie “Generations” Picard seeks out Kirk in the “Nexus,” a Summerland-like world.
Finding the horse he had as a boy, Kirk then races off to jump a familiar ravine; and does so a few more times, but then quits.

Dismayed, he confesses to Picard, to the effect:
“When I was a kid, I must’ve jumped that ravine 50 times with my horse, and every time it scared the hell out of me. But… it doesn’t matter anymore.”

In Summerland we’ll enjoy an outward form that cannot be harmed or injured; further, we’ll possess expanded powers of both mind and body. It might be fun, for a little while, to sink a basketball from midcourt, every time; or drop a hole-in-one, every time; or flawlessly execute some quadruple flip on a balance beam or the perfect tennis serve, every time.
You get the idea. We’d soon be confessing with Kirk, “It’s doesn’t matter anymore, it's not the same.”
'too easy'
Editor’s note: On the “Summerland” page, there’s a transcribed tape-recorded message from Chief Blackhawk on the other side. He answered a question about how people live their daily lives in Summerland. In the case of his own people, he said that a new-arrival male might attempt to replicate traditional ways of hunting with bow-and-arrow. Augmented skills of the astral body allow him to hit his target every time. At first, this seems a good thing, but it doesn’t take long before it’s realized that it’s all “too easy.” The ensuing disillusionment, the Chief said, might open a portal to the higher levels of consciousness.
is that all there is

Peggy Lee (1920-2002) was an American jazz and popular music singer, songwriter, composer, and actress in a career spanning six decades. From her beginning as a vocalist on local radio to singing with Benny Goodman's big band, she forged a sophisticated persona, evolving into a multi-faceted artist and performer. She wrote music for films, acted, and created conceptual record albums—encompassing poetry, jazz, chamber pop, and art songs. |
Is That All There Is? (1969)
I remember when I was a very little girl, our house caught on fire. I'll never forget the look on my father's face as he gathered me up in his arms and raced through the burning building out to the pavement. I stood there shivering in my pajamas and watched the whole world go up in flames. And when it was all over I said to myself, "Is that all there is to a fire"
Is that all there is, is that all there is If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing, Let's break out the booze and have a ball, If that's all there is
And when I was 12 years old, my father took me to a circus, the greatest show on earth. There were clowns and elephants and dancing bears. And a beautiful lady in pink tights flew high above our heads. And so I sat there watching the marvelous spectacle. I had the feeling that something was missing. I don't know what, but when it was over, I said to myself, "is that all there is to a circus? …
Then I fell in love, head over heels in love, with the most wonderful boy in the world. We would take long walks by the river or just sit for hours gazing into each other's eyes. We were so very much in love. Then one day he went away and I thought I'd die, but I didn't, and when I didn't I said to myself, "is that all there is to love?" …
I know what you must be saying to yourselves,
if that's the way she feels about it why doesn't she just end it all? Oh, no, not me. I'm in no hurry for that final disappointment, for I know just as well as I'm standing here talking to you, when that final moment comes and I'm breathing my last breath, I'll be saying to myself
Is that all there is, is that all there is
If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing, Let's break out the booze and have a ball, If that's all there is...
Editor’s note: I remember Peggy’s song when it was new. It would reach number 11 on the U.S. pop singles chart, her first hit since “Fever” in 1958. The message of this song, one of disillusionment, was above me, too lofty for a boy still brimming with animal spirits.
disillusionment with Summerland’s ‘Disneyworld’ vast array of activities
We’ve spoken of this in other articles. No matter the area of pursuit, “if that’s all there is” in one’s life, one is headed for existential crisis. And it doesn’t matter if it’s playing sports or Kirk’s ravine jumping; or lollygagging on a pink-sand beach; or immersing oneself in university courses; or going to parties with closest friends and relatives.
It will be fine for a while. But, as time passes, the haunting specter of an internal sense of "emptiness" will come calling and require its due.
This will be the overarching ruling principle, even concerning the higher-order efforts; such as, charitable purpose, caring for animals, missionary work in the Dark Realms, or even true-love relationship – none of these, of and by itself, “if that’s all there is,” will be sufficient, after a time, to assuage the terrors of living forever. While all of these endeavors, from sports to service to family, are good or very good, eventually it won’t be enough. We were made for something more.
Editor's note: The solid evidence for "it won't be enough" is plainly manifested in the dysfunctional lives of hundreds of millions over there. Read about this in "the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side."
In view of this systemic malady...
How then shall we live our daily lives in Summerland?
It took me a long time – the “sparks” of insight were in short supply -- to arrive at an answer that satisfied me.
I had actually made a list of good things I want when I get to the other side. It’s pretty extensive: all the things I missed out on while on planet Earth. Over the months I would add to this list when I thought of something more. After nearly two years of adding to this list, a day came when I just didn’t feel right about it.
It was that sense of “emptiness”, beginning to hover, knowing that it would yet be paid. And I wondered about this: How could I feel bad with a list like this, all the good things I ever wanted? Why the shroud of disillusionment nearing its prey?
And so I decided to “consult with my own soul”, to “go within” for guidance. I quieted my mind, and almost immediately I was given something; not the full answer, but the “sparks” began to pop.
Now, this “answer” I'd been given might not fully apply to everyone, as each has his or her own path to destiny; on the other hand, we’re all “made in the image,” and so there will be some common ground.
The first thing I “saw” was this: I don’t want to do anything in particular. What I mean is, I have a long list of subjects to study over there, in science and the arts. For example, I’ve always wanted to know more about geology and soil science. But, I don’t want to work as a geologist or soil scientist. Or this: I want to study music theory, composition, song writing, and learn to play a number of instruments. However, I don’t see myself as a “professional” musician. Even so, I don’t want to work in the area of music.
As I reviewed my long list of subjects to study, I was able to make similar comments about any of them. I didn’t want to work in any of these fields.
‘doing’ versus ‘being’
However, as I dwelt upon this question – not thinking about it so much but just maintaining an awareness of the underlying energies – another “spark” presented itself. What I really wanted centered about not “doing” primarily but “being”. At first I didn’t know what this meant.
Editor’s note: I began to see, more clearly than before, that a process of coming to deeper understanding is accomplished, not just in fits-and-starts but, in a manner whereby the fact-centered rational brain might fall behind what the intuitive sensibilities already are certain of.
I intend to “do” lots of things in Summerland but I don’t want to make a career of any of it; none of it will prompt me to say, “This is who I am.”
Then what? Why do I want to study many subjects? – not as a hobbyist, I hate hobbies. I want projects to grow with. I want to build something. But what does this mean?
the mind of God
And then I was able to clarify: I want to study many subjects because I want to know the mind of God; in fact, since time is not an issue over there, I want to study all major subjects, in both art and science, for, I believe, in this endeavor I will gain insight into the mind of the Creator who designed it all.
As I came to this realization, I noticed something else. All of the earlier potential threat of “emptiness” immediately left me. I felt really good. In this I found instruction that – it’s not the studies or anything else, it’s not the activities, as such, that might generate the sense of “emptiness” but the defective approach or spirit animating it.
I was discussing all this with Deb, my childhood friend since first grade. I said that I’d come to see something new about myself; that, I didn’t want to “do” anything in particular in terms of the many subjects I hope to study but to use all of it as avenue of access to the mind of God. I said, it’s not that I don’t want to do anything, as I’d like to take these insights about the mind of God and share them with others, possibly, as a counselor. But what I really want is just to know the mind of God.
And then Deb, in a few words, distilled it all in a way that had escaped me: “You want to be a Guide.” When she said that I was somewhat taken aback by the clarity of her perspective. She was exactly right. That’s exactly what I want to do. “Do.” But, more than “do”, I first want to “be” and to become. And what do I want to become, in reference to knowing the mind of God? I want to become a knowledgeable, wise, and competent “open channel” allowing God to instruct me concerning Her identity and nature. And as I gain more and more lucidity in this, I want to share my riches with others. This is the story of my eternal life; now and always.
And guess what? - no "emptiness" in any of this; this itself is shocking to me, as the malaise is gone. I feel really good. And I also perceive that this sense of well-being - as long as I remain at this level of God-centered consciousness - is a permanent condition.
'if man cannot be developed on earth, he will have an eternity in which to expand hereafter'
Life In Two Spheres, or Scenes in the Summerland (1892), by Hudson Tuttle, channeled testimony from the other side. The speaker of the following is known as "the ancient Sage," a resident of Summerland, it seems, for nearly 3000 years:
“There is no soul made in vain in creation; and if man cannot be developed on earth, he will have an eternity in which to expand hereafter. Men look on the surface when they speak of greatness. Very few kings, lordlings, or autocrats are great; he alone is truly great, who not only has love, not only philanthropy, not only wisdom, but all of these combined into one harmonious whole. Then harmonize your being; make this the object of your lives. Eradicate your peculiar evils one by one, with a firm faith in success…
“Every man and woman should consider [him or herself] individual sovereigns, to think and to act as best pleases... if they do not infringe on the rights of others. There should be no conformity except to Nature… To be perfect, thereby great, should be the aim of all. Not as Caesar or Alexander as warriors; not as Laplace and Cuvier in intellect; not as Confucius or Plato in morals; but as all of these combined in one.”
Editor’s note: Near the bottom of the “favorite quotations” page, see comments from other Spirit Guides on the profile of the “perfect person.”
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: "Above all, trust in the slow work of God. Only God could say what this new spirit gradually forming within you will be."
Meanwhile, back at our earlier question:
How then shall we live our daily lives in Summerland?
We can do whatever we like - and we can do it "till the end of the day."
I feel good, you and me are free, we do as we please

The Kinks
'Till The End Of The Day' (1965)
baby, I feel good, from the moment I rise, feel good from morning, till the end of the day, till the end of the day, yeah, you and me, we live this life, from when we get up, till we go sleep at night, you and me are free, we do as we please, yeah, from morning, till the end of the day, till the end of the day…
Wikipedia: "Till the End of the Day is a song by the Kinks, written by Ray Davies and released as a single in 1965 and later on their album The Kink Kontroversy. It centres on a power chord, like many of the group's early hits, and was similarly successful, reaching number eight in the United Kingdom and number 50 in the United States, spending eight weeks or more in each chart. Davies recalled the process of writing the song: 'I remember how Till the End of the Day came about. I had a bit of writer’s block, and my managers were getting worried because I hadn't produced anything in almost a month… If I don’t want to write for a month, I won't'… Of the song's meaning, Davies said, ‘That song was about freedom, in the sense that someone's been a slave or locked up in prison. It’s a song about escaping something. I didn't know it was about my state of mind."
We can enjoy all that Summerland has to offer, without limits, as much as we want, and there’ll be no invading “emptiness.” Like Davies, we'll "feel good."
Does this mean that everyone needs to train as a “professional” Spirit Guide? No. There are different callings. But, one thing will be the same for every creature “made in the image”: We’re all meant to live a life of discovering God and then, each in his or her own way, share our insights with others - we'd naturally want to do this. Apart from this "requirement," which we'll be excited to do, our daily activities will reflect our personal preferences.

Kairissi: All of this has to do with destined lovers “traveling on”. But Elenchus, we’ve always said that Twin Soul love is what's most real. Are we taking a step back from this?
Elenchus. No, Kriss, I believe that God made us to be together. We need each other to "survive the terror of eternal life." Only in your presence have I known "the great relief of having you to talk to."
I've come to see myself at last, the time I spent confused, was the time I spent without you

John Sebastian at Woodstock (1969)
Darling Be Home Soon
come and talk of all the things we did today, and laugh about our funny little ways, while we have a few minutes to breathe, and I know that it's time you must leave, but darling be home soon, I couldn't bear to wait an extra minute if you dawdled, my darling be home soon, it's not just these few hours but I've been waiting since I toddled, for the great relief of having you to talk to, and now, a quarter of my life is almost passed, I think I've come to see myself at last, and I see that the time spent confused, was the time I spent without you, and I feel myself in bloom, so darling be home soon, I couldn't bear to wait an extra minute if you dawdled, my darling be home soon, it's not just these few hours but I've been waiting since I toddled, for the great relief of having you to talk to, go and beat your crazy head against the sky, try and see beyond the houses and your eyes, it's ok to shoot the moon, darling be home soon, I couldn't bear to wait an extra minute if you dawdled, my darling be home soon, it's not just these few hours but I've been waiting since I toddled, for the great relief of having you to talk to
waiting, since I toddled, for the great relief of having you to talk to
Editor’s note: See the Kairissi-and-Elenchus dialogues in "The Wedding Song" for extensive discussion on the meaning of John Sebastian's "Darling Be Home Soon."
E. But, concerning your question, I don’t see a contradiction in the author’s discourse and our view of the future.
K. I think I understand, but please spell it out for me, Elenchus.
E. Whatever we do, we do together. We will adventure through life together - and we stand before God together.
K. (silence)
E. There is nothing so new or radical in what the author says. What is true for the individual is doubly true for the Twin Soul couple.
K. (sighing) There was no need for me to be tempted by fear of loss. I think we can say that Twins supercharge the process of discovering God. I always love this quote about ultimate reality from mystic Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov:
“The soul ... is itself only one-half of a complete being. For each
of us there is a counterpartal [person] of the opposite polarity.
And our pilgrimage towards emancipation [from illusion] consists
in drawing ever nearer to this balancing factor ... so that, in the
end, [while retaining sacred individuality,] we become [effectively One Person,] a male-female being in whom the positive and negative forces are in perfect equilibrium, reflecting the nature of the Male-Female Creator. Only through the perfect union of two souls of the opposite sex can that blending of forces be achieved which brings freedom from illusion and the full experience of Reality.”
different kinds of 'emptiness'
K. Elenchus, there is one point we should clarify. When we say that there will be no 'emptiness' when we live a life discovering God, this doesn't mean that we can now endlessly jump that ravine with Kirk and find fulfillment.
E. Yes, it's important that we make this distinction. Things like ravine-jumping, or free-throws, or perfect tennis serves will tend to bore us fairly quickly even if we're living for God.
K. All these physically-oriented activities will lose their luster for the maturing person.
E. But the 'emptiness', with a capital 'E', to be defeated is related to living one's life without God.
K. And that is terrifying.
E. Does this mean I'll have to give up my ravine-jumping?
K. I'm sure you can knock yourself out doing that as long as you want, it's just that, pretty soon, it won't seem very interesting.
E. Alright then. I think what we're really saying here is that the maturing person will gravitate toward activities of a higher order - things like serving the disadvantaged, pursuing science and art, raising children, or anything that more closely emulates the mind of Mother-Father God.
K. We can do these to our heart's content, for all eternity, because, with the right orientation, they won't produce the 'emptiness'.
E. Kriss, before we close, I’d like to share a “spark” I just received.
K. We’re meant to share our “sparks.”
E. Absolutely, as there's no individual, anywhere in the universe, no matter how wise, who's able to reveal all that might be known about God.
K. We need everyone’s “sparks.”
E. And what I see is this: The author sensed that unless he “lived for God,” that is, to know and to discover God, he couldn’t truly feel at peace and settled. Think about the inference. We're made to "feel good" doing this. This means that it’s God’s purpose and intention to never let her kids go. She wants them near, to know about her, and she made us to experience a pleasant sense of wholeness when we seek for her.
K. I love that. In our days of immaturity, it can seem that God is far off. But, as the eyes of the true self begin to open, we learn that we're virtually “hard wired” to discover God, because we start to feel good in the pursuit -- and now God seems closer -- and to flout this natural law brings nothing but existential crisis and 'emptiness.'