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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
The Wedding Song





Foreword: Adrian Charles Smith

Prologue: Other-Side Testimony Defining Twin Souls

Preface: Origin of The Wedding Song via Channeling

Introduction: The Soliloquies of John and Mary

The Wedding Song: An Open Letter To Humanity

Verse One: The Union of Your Spirits

Verse Two, Part I: Drawing Life and Giving it Back Again

Verse Two, Part II: Traveling On to the One Person Status

Verse Three, Part I: Something Never Seen Before

Verse Three, Part II: The Love That Brings You Life: finding ultimate reason for becoming man and wife

Verse Four: Conclusion: There Is Love

The Wedding Song: an Earthrise restatement

The Wedding Song and the Gay Community

Revisited: Twin Souls 'travel on': What will occupy our daily lives for the unfathomable immensity that is eternity?

Epilogue, Part I: A Consistent Message from Many Spirit Guides

Epilogue, Part II: Voices of Dissent: the Future of Marriage in Dystopia

