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Word Gems 

exploring self-realization, sacred personhood, and full humanity


Soulmate, Myself:
Omega Point


the final K & E message



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Editor's prefatory comment:



Fitzgerald is correct. While heroes serve heroically, their good deeds, in this world, are often hindered or blocked by posturing egos, posing as benefactors, desiring the limelight.

But it’s not just the “heroes” who stand in jeopardy. Show me a romantic couple authentically in love, show me two who were made to be together, then, in this world, “I’ll write you a tragedy.”

However, why the likelihood of mishap and misfortune? On “The Wedding Song” Prologue page, we find a great number of testimonies affirming the reality of Twin Soul love. One of these, channeled from the afterlife, is from Spirit Guides who speak of the “law of repulsion” afflicting the early years of two destined ones. Initial difficulties, misunderstandings, and unkindnesses, they say, will eventually lead to a “law of attraction.”

The Spirit Guides, supervising this proto-couple, will not allow them to come together too soon; there’s far too much for them to learn from ensuing calamities. Later in life, probably still not allowed to be together, they will look back at those formative years and lament, “Nothing went right for us back then. No matter what we tried or did, it always came to nothing, was misinterpreted, or fell apart. This seems like a set-up, like a bad dream wherein nothing could be made to work. No one could be that unlucky, over a long period of time. It feels like we were held apart.”

Read the Guides’ own explanation on the “Prologue” page.

Elenchus offers a personal view:



Elenchus. I have learned from Spirit Guides, via psychic-medium, that Krissi, for most of her life, has been suffering from bipolar disorder. In my brief readings on this malady, I've discovered that "psychosocial factors play a significant role in the development and course of bipolar disorder... [traumatic] life events and relationships likely contribute to the onset" of this illness.

It means that when she and I had that falling-out when we were young teens, resulting in her refusal to even look at me during our remaining time in school, much of that hurtful experience may have triggered the bipolar condition.

For me, it's all very strange. I still don't know who she really is.

A long time ago, I told her she reminded me of the song “Devil Or Angel”, with the lyric “be whichever you are.” I wasn’t in an altogether charitable frame of mind when I said this, and she wasn’t totally happy with the allusion.

She and I have unfinished business; things to make clear to each other.

After all that's been discussed, I still don't really know what represented her truest feelings and what part was an impaired health condition.

Would you like to know what I remember most in all of our talks? It’s what she said during a happier time of our lives...

E. So, tell me – if “meet me in the middle” leaves you cold, what would you rather see?

it is enough

K. I need to know I can trust the fellow who's asking to sleep with me. Trust is number one. I want him not just as my lover but as my steadfast and trustworthy friend and guide. I want him to serve my highest and best interests, all the time, no days off, no vacations, no excuses, no smile-and-a-handshake schmoozing, no giving-to-get, no techniques, no tactics, just put me as 'priority one' in all his thinking, even if it’s not to his short-term advantage, and even if I disagree with him. I want to be able to trust him, and rely on him, for my life and my eternal life, and, when his vision is very clear, I want him to act unilaterally, without prompting, to do what's best for me - even if I fight him on this. There is good reason why Socrates said that one's most valuable possession is a true and faithful friend. And I’m not interested, at all, not a farthing's worth, in some shallow and self-serving “meet me in the middle” sophism, some stingy counting-out-the-pennies “50-50” negotiation. I can get that in any mercenary business deal. What do I look like, the Teamsters haggling out some contract? - hardly, my dear. There'll be no bargaining with me, I'll tell you that right now. I want it lavish, lavish for me, all on my side. I want it splurged, overflowing, and dripping. I want it sloppy and juicy and all-you-can-eat at the dessert bar. What I want is someone who'll give me 100% of his life, 100% of his best, 100% of his plans and projects, all that he has, all that he is, all that he will ever be, in this world and the next. I don't want much from him, I just want everything, and I want it with a cherry on top, and a chocolate kiss on my pillow, and I want him to surrender all this, to me, just to me, willingly and with joy, with no strings attached. And I want him to shout it from the rooftops, for all the world to hear, that he is mine, all mine, that he wants me, just me, with no reservations and no loopholes. I want him to worship and adore me, to bend the neck and pay tribute, to offer fealty and obeisance - to want me more than his last breath, to cherish and treasure me as his 'pearl of great price'. I want him to want me to such degree that, if my love were all that he had in life, or would ever have in eternal life, he would pledge to God, “It is enough, who could ask for, or receive, anything more?” And when I find that special one, thus moved to action, consecrated to my benefit, for my account, then, I will offer him, not just the same but more - a Kama-Sutra reciprocity of personalized pleasures reified; a swooning array of ecstasies, just what he likes; a plenitude of unspoken desires actualized, what he didn't even know he liked - all crafted to address his unique definitions of the luscious and delicious, his unconfessed dreams and secret fantasies; all these, my goddess gifts to him, my surrendered tokens of absolute allegiance, devotion, and ardency, for our total immersion darling companionship

But our conversation here occurred some time ago.


said you had a thing or two to tell me, how was I to know you would upset me


You don't realize how much I need you, love you all the time and never leave you, said you had a thing or two to tell me, how was I to know you would upset me, I didn't realize, as I looked in your eyes, I need you, oh yes, you told me, that's when it hurt me, and feeling like this I just can't go on anymore... please remember how I feel about you, I could never really live without you, I need you, I need you, I need you...



There’s an old proverb warning of the fragile nature of one's reputation.

'said you had a thing or two to tell me, how was I to know you would upset me'

One can lose a good reputation, another’s sense of trust in you – what may have taken 30 years, 50 years, to build – one can lose all this in just five minutes with one vicious attack, or even one equivocal lukewarm response.

The true love relationship, at the foundational level, is not built on sex appeal but trust. You can get sex anywhere; go to any bar, you can get it tonight. But trust, the kind you can build your life around, will cost a few dollars more. What we really want to know is, “Can I trust you to safeguard my life, and not use me for some secondary purpose? Can I trust you to put me number one above all other goals and pleasures in your life?”

Stated differently: Is each "enough" for the other? - or are there false idols competing with true love?

true love and trust will reflect one's essential life-force

One's worthiness of trust will reflect one's essential life-force, part of the "true self". It cannot be constructed or generated with willpower or determination; instead, it must be allowed to manifest and actualize. Genuine trustworthiness is a form of goodness which naturally flows, percolates upward from the depths, when one's deeper person is aligned with the God-life within.

We are headed for Summerland. They say that true love cannot be unrequited there; that those who are meant for each other always find each other. Why do I doubt this?

late-night confessions: the 3 AM spectre

If Krissi were here, I would address her this way:

I imagine you trying to offer explanation. I think you'd be saying you were too conflicted, too burdened, too drained of energy, to send a note of encouragement or apology; even just a word asking me to wait until duties were satisfied - that one good word, the one you never sent, might have sustained me until later.

Despite your purported inner conflict, however, you did, in fact, find enough energy, you were quite able and resourceful, to get a message through which vilified and disrespected me. You were strong enough for that. Remember the creeds we learned as little kids? We had to memorize words which went over our heads: the "sins of omission" - but now we know what that means.

spectacular unkindness, outrageous accusation

You have a way of bringing out the worst in me.

Though long ago, the open wounds from that famous spectacular unkindness - you know the one - still refuse healing; the outrageous accusation and threat continue to dishearten and poison at 3 AM; the ghastly memory of calumny still drains chilled blood from the head and serves as greatest temptation toward resentment and unforgiveness.

What is wrong with you?

'oh, yes, you told me, and that's when it hurt me'

stockholm syndrome

You enable those who exploit you. In your own stockholm syndrome, you side with your ignoble captors -- these candidates for dark-realm sentencing, carnival hawkers of buffoonery, deceit, and abuse. You strengthen their hands.

your Faustian bargain, a strange coalition with everything you always hated, and so not like you

A Faustian bargain is an agreement, such that, one surrenders what one knows to be moral and right, a bartering away of one’s soul-based highest principles, in favor of some dubious short-term worldly benefit.

This ill-advised assent - to what you dislike - quickly became self-defeating as the traded-away wealth constituted far more value than the negotiated-for glass bauble. It is the proverbial Esau allowing himself to be cajoled into exchanging future inheritance and wealth, a lifetime of happiness and well-being, for a mere bowl of soup.

You believed you needed something; as you saw it, you weren't whole without it, couldn't be happy in its absence. It was like the “Rhythm Of The Rain” song, “the only girl I ever loved has gone away, looking for a brand new start.” That "brand new start" became the greatest error and misery of your life. In defiance of your deeper guidance and good sense, you traded your dignity and freedom, your right to self-management -- for the soup-of-the-day -- needs a little salt, doesn't taste right. 

Esau Selling His Birthright (1626), Hendrick Terbrugghen


'bought and sold you' - the fall of the good little girl

What was your Faustian "benefit"? What did you trade for? - that is, trade me for? those trading negotiations conducted in opposition to the inner-whispering assurance that, one day, we, you and I, would finally address unfinished business.

Did you believe that a studied docility, a muting of sensibilities, the adoption of a “good little girl” obeisance, would curry favor with an unjust, humorless, and angry god?

Did they convince you that this straw-god would condemn you for noncompliance concerning their draconian, self-serving, man-made dogma? Is this how they controlled and enslaved you, bought and sold you? – and made you stay -- with their psychological warfare of guilt and intimidation.

all that I knew you to be, thought well of, and admired so much

And how utterly anomalous that you, especially you, should make alliance with the boorish and vulgar, the loutish and oafish, the cloddish paint-by-numbers anti-intellectual rabble -- you, the diligent and assiduous honor student, paragon of high standard and lofty aspiration; you, the personification of excellent spirit; and how antithetical to your sensitive nature, one of grace, loveliness, and virtue -- all that I knew you to be and admired so much -- you, the quintessential aesthete, patron of all things cultivated and refined, les beaux arts.

advanced by your own calculated but deluded assent

Your odd-bedfellow confederation with lowbrow element stands as the greatest misjudgment, the greatest misstep, of your misguided life, proximate cause to your life's ruin and undoing -- decades of soul-numbing misery -- crafted by your own hand, advanced by your own calculated but deluded assent.

What is wrong with you?


wisdom born of pain 



oh yes, I am wise
but it's wisdom born of pain




newfound boldness

You were scrupulous and conscientious not to offend your philistine oppressors; but quite careless and disdaining toward what I might think.

You were bold, felt free, to sin against me, to spit upon me - moreover, not just me but, the far greater sin, a denial of what we, in potentia, are to each other. You still have no idea of how you damaged yourself, and us, with your parody and charade of relationship and community.

already existing in potentia

Werner Heisenberg, arguably, one of the greatest scientists of history, spoke of quantum objects existing in potentia. This is a Greek term borrowed from Aristotle who said that some things exist in a state half-way between mere concept and actuality. Heisenberg wrote in his 1958 Physics and Philosophy: “It introduced something standing in the middle between the idea of an event and the actual event, a strange kind of physical reality just in the middle between possibility and reality.” Descartes posited that there were only two kind of things in the universe, res cogitans, “thinking things,” that is, the mind, and res extensa, “extended things,” things of three dimensions, that is, matter. But Heisenberg would argue for more than mind and matter, a third category, res potentia - things not just of any probability, any potential, to occur, but things that are so likely to happen that, even before manifesting as hard-edged actuality, they must be ascribed a certain degree of reality. This view gave rise to the mathematical “probability wave” which transformed the world as the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. But Twin Soul lovers, even before they come together, would contend that they perceived something so real and insistent between them that they were led and influenced by their own version of res potentia, long before they touched and interacted as bona fide romantics.

Yours was not so much a boldness but an empty bravado, devolving to cavalier disavowal and self-deception; as if the future would require no accounting of inner truths perceived; as if what you allowed, with him, and with them, represented primary reality and were dispositive to destiny; as if there would be no day of reckoning, as if you would not need to explain yourself, and face me, one day.

There is a coming day of judgment – not the religious fairytale judgment before an angry god – but a day of judgment for those who share an eternal soul-bond and joint-destiny. And what will you say for yourself on that day when machinations of the heart are laid bare?

a prison for the mind

Those with whom you make pact, among the most crude and crass, the worldly craven and knavish, are headed for time in a "dark closet"; but you conduct yourself as if God would commend their goonish and sordid tactics, requiring you to honor and obey whatever they say.

Morpheus used the phrase "a prison for the mind." Right now, fearful and guilt-ridden, you are held captive in your own prison-Matrix, the dungeon of terrorized perceptions, chained to narrow and errant concepts of how life works, a torture-chamber of tyrannical peer-group definitions of morality.


take the red pill

Why didn't you take the red pill as your life's direction? Why didn’t you devote yourself to discovering the truth and what’s real? - instead of hell-bent surrendering to “the white picket fence."

How did you become an indentured cultist, now mindlessly clinging to worn-out and tired propaganda concepts -- widely known today, with even a modicum of research, to be perversions of historical reality, mere disinformation campaign and fake-news, blatant fear-and-guilt control tactics, by a rogue and despotic organization. Why didn't you live your life for the truth?

What is wrong with you?

The institution you support is a corrupt and power-mongering entity of the world. It has a long history of psychological oppression, murderous activity, and sexual exploitation. Everything they teach has a smell to it. And if one transitions to the other side believing their "holy" doctrines to be wonderful, one could land in a "cult deprogramming" clinic or even earn accommodation in dark detention. With a little investigation, one could have known these things.

Why don't you know them? Why are you so uninformed, so gullible and easily led? Can't you stand up for what is right? - or at least for yourself? Will you never grow up? When will you stop being the servile and serf-like, unthinking and acquiescing, good-little-girl?

What is wrong with you?

Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment: “Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing.”


'I feel so guilty'

Do you remember when you said this to me? I feel so guilty, you exclaimed.

They had battered you psychologicaIly, but yet, I could tell, in your heart-of-hearts, you were not deceived. You knew what they were doing to you, these merchants of fear and guilt. Even so, you could not walk away; not yet. You still needed an external approval - still too much the "good little girl."

the social conditioning of the tribe, the mind-virus of the clan, the html-programming of local nomos

Krishnamurti warned that "people can be conditioned to believe anything." The belief-systems of nearly every unenlightened person represent geography, where one was born, one's family, community, native group; mere provincial moralities, the mind-virus of the clan, local nomos, as described by Herodotus. Are we to be impressed by this formulaic and robotic true believer-ism? - these empty beliefs, just plain-vanilla fear-based superstition of the tribe, masquerading as cosmic truth, within a credulous and frothing assemblage of misled and duped minions.

But you thought it was just fine, went along with this perversion of what's real, and, worse, chose it as foundation for your life. And then you were surprised at how quickly your bargained-for "white picket fence" life sank into a nightmare world. How could it have been anything else? Have you no foresight or judgment, no internal radar, no good sense at all?

You say you didn't know; yes, but you could have known, you didn't devote yourself to knowing and finding the truth. Not knowing, when you could have known, is gross negligence -- in tort law it's called "the reasonable man" rule; it's what the reasonable man ought to have done -- and closing one's eyes is not a defense, and, therefore, natural law, and your own higher self, will hold you strictly accountable.

What is wrong with you?


Herodotus (writing circa 450 BC), in his treatise on the Greco-Persian wars, comments on “nomos,” the Greek word for “custom, convention, or law.” He speaks of the arbitrariness of “nomos,” of how people become accustomed to what they know, what they’re taught, what they want to believe, in a particular culture, religion, or society. These vapors and vicissitudes, a mind-virus of the tribe, illusions of reality, are adopted as “infallible”, enshrined as god-breathed, by each locally-conditioned clan.


postured authority

And so you were hoodwinked to set aside rational faculties and sacred responsibility to live as a free and whole person. You surrendered all this to vulgar mountebanks. They promised you "beads and trinkets" to overcome your weakness of needing to be accepted, a fear of being left on the shelf and unwanted, a dread of never finding happiness of "the white picket fence."

These vile and base ones, in alliance, postured an authority over your life, but, in fact, had absolutely none. A victim of local nomos, you entered into agreement with them during your time of fearful immaturity, when you lacked knowledge, of yourself, the world, destiny, and natural law; and so you could not defend against their offer of "poisoned candy," what you viewed as your last ticket to the good life. 

Later, in your growing misery, though beginning to realize your error, you still could not break free. Commanding strict obedience, they chained you with an oppressive sense of guilt, a constant browbeating, intimating that you are no-good and unworthy - declaring that a wrathful god would be very displeased, and quick to eternally punish, should you consider defying them to wander off the plantation; that, you did not have the right to think for yourself, to manage and reclaim your own life, to insist on yourself and your own inner-guidance


I deliberately ignored all the warning voices inside me

This is Traudl Junge, 1945. In many ways, an ordinary German working girl: a typist, a stenographer, a personal secretary.

Like many girls, she wished to be married. With encouragement from her job supervisor, she was wedded to another work associate, Hans Hermann Junge, in 1943.

Setting her apart, however, from other working girls was the salient detail that her boss happened to be Adolf Hitler.

More than 50 years later, an aged Traudl Junge surveys the ruins of her life.

From Wikipedia:

 [Junge] began working for Hitler in December 1942. She was the youngest of his private secretaries. "I was 22 and I didn't know anything about politics; it didn't interest me," Junge said decades later, adding that she felt great guilt for "liking the greatest criminal ever to have lived".

She said: "I admit, I was fascinated by Adolf Hitler. He was a pleasant boss and a fatherly friend. I deliberately ignored all the warning voices inside me and enjoyed the time by his side, almost until the bitter end. It wasn't what he said, but the way he said things and how he did things."

[She claimed] ignorance of the Nazi atrocities during the war, but blam[ed] herself for missing opportunities to investigate reports about them.

I realised that it was no excuse that I had been so young. I could have tried to find out about things

“Of course, the horrors, of which I heard in connection of the Nuremberg trials; the fate of the 6 million Jews, their killing and those of many others who represented different races and creeds, shocked me greatly, but, at that time, I could not see any connection between these things and my own past. I was only happy that I had not personally been guilty of these things and that I had not been aware of the scale of these things.

“However, one day, I walked past a plaque on the Franz-Joseph Straße (in Munich), on the wall in memory of Sophie Scholl. I could see that she had been born the same year as I, and that she had been executed the same year I entered into Hitler's service. And, at that moment, I really realised that it was no excuse that I had been so young. I could perhaps have tried to find out about things.”

Sophie Scholl, executed by guillotine for handing out anti-war leaflets

"Sophia Magdalena Scholl (9 May 1921 – 22 February 1943) was a German student and anti-Nazi political activist, active in the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany. She was convicted of high treason after having been found distributing anti-war leaflets at the University of Munich with her brother, Hans. For her actions, she was executed by guillotine."

Editor's note: Sophia and Hans were murdered for spreading "misinformation," just as the totalitarians today attempt to censor.

‘Mommy, what did you do during the war?’

A tale of two young girls during the Nazi totalitarian reign. Two different viewpoints, two different assessments, two different paths.

a wisdom-message embedded within the etymological structure of a single word

A very long time ago, as a student at a bible college, while investigating the book of Proverbs - I speak from memory now - I learned that one of the Hebrew words (there are several) for "fool” literally means “to be open.”

And what is wrong with being open? Aren’t we supposed to be open and tolerant, agreeable and amenable?

But this is not the sense of openness given to us here.

Proverbs is saying that there are certain situations in life to which we must immediately be closed. No discussion, no negotiation, no weighing pro-and-con. Just slam the door.

Sophie understood and lived by this precept, but Traudl did not; instead, the personal secretary said that she was “fascinated,” thought her boss to be charming and “pleasant,” a warming “fatherly” influence. She saw him as so impressive, it was “the way he said things and how he did things.” And this mystique bewitched her almost right up to the end, just before he put a gun in his mouth, but not before issuing orders that the entire German populace should go down with him.

One girl foresaw atrocity but the other did not. But how could they have known? Traudl herself admitted to herself that she could have known: “I deliberately ignored all the warning voices inside me and enjoyed the time by his side, almost until the bitter end.”

The warning voices.” Stifled and smothered. Why did she deceive herself? Why does anyone? Evil is a short-cut to the good, and there was something in the “fascination” of the Nazi High Command which she judged as her ticket to the good life, marriage, family, the “white picket fence.”

Traudl Junge was no demon or some special evil person. She's like millions of people, around us every day. In many ways, she was a very good person; in many ways, what I call a “perfect girl,” attractive, industrious, competent, loyal, talented, smart, a good student, sensitive, loving, kind to children. Who could ask for a better girl than Traudl?

However… there is that nettlesome issue of the “openness.” Traudl has no internal guidance, no radar, no sense of cosmic right and wrong, is not listening to "the still small voice."

She’s not like Sophie. And let's be clear that Sophie also wanted her "white picket fence," but she wanted the truth and freedom even more.

Historians tell us that, through the ages, more people have died at the bloody hands of Religion than any other cause. It makes Hitler look good.

Over the years I’ve often marveled that seemingly educated and freedom-loving people will support despotic Big Religion. This dark institution of the world – one that is condemned in Summerland – is a primary cause of much evil in history.

Editor’s note: True believers will respond, look at the charitable works, look at the good the Church has done. However, they’re not buying it on the other side. Do not confuse the saintly good works of some with the corrupt system that is the Church. The Church, fundamentally, especially at the top, is a gangster organization, and the leadership on the other side is well aware of this, are not fooled, even if some here are. See quotes from the other side concerning the criminal influence of the Church.

One capital sin among many, Big Religion has a long history of murdering people like Sophie and Hans for “misinformation.” In our world, because of the freedoms won by the US Founders, it’s currently politically incorrect to burn a free-spirit at the stake, but they’ve done this aplenty over the centuries, and would go back to those good old days of despotic rule, if they could get away with it.

The Nazis were not unique. Every totalitarian regime -- whether political, religious, corporate, scientific, academic, or others -- will attempt to control narratives, slant stories, edit the interview, decide what you ought to know, sell fake news, and label any contrary view as “misinformation.”

All this is fairly common knowledge, yet respectable people blithely support totalitarian Big Religion. They’re gulled into doing this because of their fear of death, which they mistakenly presume the Blackrobes influence and rule. But this is the greatest con-game in the history of the world; all to be exposed in just one missed heartbeat.

Like Traudl, respectable people support various respectable totalitarian regimes. Most are too “fascinated” right now, too "open," but, in that one missed heartbeat, a new cosmic order will be revealed, the “real world,” in which Big Religion, or any other power-institution, has absolutely no say; and frothing minions, if they are to advance over there, will need to enter “cult deprogramming”. To choose otherwise is to sink and sink into the misery and darkness of "the rat cellar." Those who want to fight, Jesus said, will be "weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth."

But Sophie -- we recall she was the one who didn't care about "respectable" -- will be exonerated. As Jesus also warned, "the last of our world will be the first over there."

We know how this works out. See many case histories, channeled reports from the other side.



you were the first to know

All this inundation of trammeling, a psychological warfare, succeeded in making you too deferential, too subservient, to overthrow ill-founded custom and convention; too intimidated, too submissiveto do what is right, even though your deepest heart informed you of the reality, even though you well knew - because you were the first to know - that we belong to each other; no, you did not forget but would not speak.

girls mature faster, but dull boys have a habit of growing up and seeing everything

I feel angry and disgusted. I had come to believe, wanted to believe, that someday after we’d learned our dire lessons, had suffered enough; after we’d tried everything else and betrayal had run its course; that we would find our way back to, and repent toward, each other; that I -- the boy you once approached to announce your love, the boy who finally realized that he had loved you all along and from the beginning -- that I would be “enough” for you.


never so free and awakened as when in love 

In The Matrix: Resurrections Trinity reawakens to Neo, and to the deception of The Matrix, by the power of love. Earlier, Persephone had claimed “It’s just a kiss”; for her this was true, but not for those authentically aligned.

Like Snow White reviving with the kiss of the Prince, there is a force within true love which terrifies totalitarian structures. It is quite right to say: people are never so free, never so in tune with their own sense of dignity and destiny, and never so likely to leave cultish organizations, as when they're in love.

The memory trace of true love touched something very deep within Trinity and Neo. It reconnected them to their authentic selves, a primal affinity which had been crushed by totalitarian element. Suddenly they saw the world as something new, as it truly is, a world making way for romantic relationship as ultimate reality.



'I didn't realize, when I looked in your eyes'

Yes, I feel angry and disgusted - because I want to be with you; even more, I want you. Angry and disgusted, mainly toward myself, because, in those early years, I did not speak. I was half-baked, not ready, but now I see what's real - however, we've switched roles, and now you're not ready. You and I have always been out of phase.

Lawyers draw distinction between intent and motive. For example, I walk across a room because I intend to, but this reveals nothing about motive, why I want to cross the room. And with you, you forthrightly intended to hurt me; of this there is no doubt. What’s not clear is why you did this. If your vituperation issued from cognitive impairment, then a lack of capacity, an insanity defense, might apply. However, why do I doubt this? I’ve always known you to be clear-eyed, and now to make excuses for you, in terms of mental dysfunction, doesn’t seem to fit.

Where does this leave us? I’m not sure, but what I do know is that, when we cross over, I will know your heart's motivation. There’s testimony from the new-arrival woman (on the Summerland page) who said that “there’s no more bs over here,” that no one could hide anymore, that she could see to the depths of another’s soul. All this character unveiling is even more true for Twin Souls – and, when I get over there, I will know, I will know instantly, and very clearly, why you did what you did.


baby, shame on you, you were so bad, and shame on me, I let your misery keep me company


Anne Murray, Shame On Me (1996)

I hope for the best but expect the worst

I was not blind, baby, I could see, every little thing you were doin' to me, but I let you be cruel, love's the kind of game where both sides share the blame for losin', shame on you, you were so bad, shame on you, for driving me mad, I let your misery keep me company, so baby, shame on me, my poor heart´s got a checkered past, I´m still searchin' for a love that will last, I want someone true and steady, don´t you know I'm ready and willing, I hope for the best, but I expect the worst, sometimes I even let myself get hurt, but I´ll take another chance, you´d like to think that I´ll never get over you, a fool for love sees what he wants to see, so baby, shame on me, but you were so bad, honey, so shame on you


Yes, I do expect the worst... because that's the way it's always been with us, and I can hardly imagine anything - or you - changing, because...

baby, you were so bad

paradise lost

Until I am "enough" for you as you are for me; until I know that you would chose me above all other options as I choose you; until our goals in life merge in substantial confluence; until you want me as much as I want you; until you speak plainly to me, offering an accounting of your actions, as I will offer the same to you; until mutual trust becomes the air we breathe -- we cannot be together.

'please remember how I feel about you'

postscript 1

I've been learning more about bipolar disorder. The pendulum swing from high to low coherency can be more extreme than I'd known. As I come to better understand this severe dynamic, I find myself less condemning; even so, to be honest, I still have trouble accepting the "insanity defense" concerning your actions. Some things don't add up.

In your favor, however, during a psychic reading, a competent medium reported that she was accessing the truest sentiments of your higher self. Is this plausible? Can a "higher self" send a message? We're reminded of the case of Adela and Eddie: His plane was lost at sea during time of war, and, it was later learned, they had, in fact, communicated via the "higher self."

You as this higher self, this “better angel" of your nature, I was informed by the medium, does care for me "deeply" -- stated twice -- and is apologizing for past hurtful conduct; that, essentially, the unfair personal attack was the illness speaking. You said that your conduct did not represent how you really feel, that you could not control your actions.

distorted perception

If this is true, and I’m inclined to believe that it is, then my previous comments must be considered as too harsh. Your life-long condition, growing worse in latter years, resulted in distorted perception, caused you to make some very bad judgments and get into life-situations that were totally not you.

And I was speaking to another psychic-medium. She's well known with thousands of clients and engaged in police detective work solving criminal cases. She was granted a vision from Guides of what happened to us early on.

perky and light-hearted

She accurately described your normal expressive and light-hearted nature; when you're feeling well and free, your natural perky and playful exuberance. This is the real you.

She, along with the first medium, saw some of the trouble you’re in, including the oppression you now suffer by others. She asked if I were aware of this. I said I was aware.

She unequivocally asserted that we are Twin Souls. I said I knew this. She said “I’m seeing marriage all over this” for you two; however, she also indicated, it would still be a while. I understood this, as well. She also stated that your time of oppression is finally nearing its end. I am glad for this.

Concerning our history, I told the lady that, early on, you were the proactive one, coming to me, wanting to tell me, but I was too immature to understand what you were saying. I was just a young boy, but you were ahead, as girls tend to be in these matters.

I then added, "we've switched roles," as I'm now the more forthcoming one, and, as it took me most of my life to grow up, I intend to lead this now. The psychic lady commented, yes, "you've passed her now." In a way this is correct, but I also think I'm still trying to "get back to zero," trying to catch up, as you were so happy just to be with me during some of our early encounters. In my whole life, nobody has ever delighted in me like that. I had no idea back then that, what I was receiving could come only from you, that this was it, there was nothing else in life, and I'd never experience it again, with anyone else.

As the songwriter expresses it: 

walking too far ahead

lying in bed I hear the clock tick and think of you, caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new, flashback, almost left behind, suitcase of memories, you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead, the second hand unwinds, if you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time, if you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting, time after time, I will be waiting, I will be waiting...

'go slow, I fall behind'

you're calling to me, I can't hear what you have said, then you say, "go slow, I fall behind,” the second hand unwinds, if you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time, if you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting, I will be waiting...

drum beats out of time

after my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray, watching through windows, you're wondering if I'm okay, secrets stolen from deep inside, the drum beats out of time, if you're lost, you can look and you will find me, time after time, if you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting, time after time, I will be waiting, time after time, I will be waiting


'do you remember'

It's been many years now, the number shocks us, but, you once asked me, "do you remember when I told you" -- yes -- I remember, but I was surprised that it was still on your mind after so long a time; I remember, because, darling dear... in my life... I remember little else.

And do you remember when you said, "Let's not lose each other again", and then, "I want to have a glass of wine with you."


Solomon Burke, Cry To Me (1961): when you're all alone, in your lonely room, and there's nothin', but the smell of her perfume... when you're waitin', for a voice to come, in the night, but there's no one… nothin' can be sadder than a glass of wine alone, loneliness, loneliness, don't you feel like cryin'? - cry to me…


And then, later, finally, I told you, I wrote to you, that I was getting off the merry-go-round of swirling life circumstance, and that, when you were ready, you could find me, and I would be there, waiting alone for you. I offered this pledge unilaterally, knowing that no immediate benefit would be forthcoming - just as you once offered a one-sided presentation, words of love, to an unformed and stupid young boy, so many decades ago now.

With awe and reverence, the psychic-detective medium, having counseled thousands of clients, confessed that she found our story “very compelling”; most tragedies are.

our story, unique among thousands

Among these thousands, she’d never seen, had never been given a vision of, so many roadblocks and obstacles, so many levels of formidable barrier to love, and over such a long period of time.

this is not how we wanted to be famous

Like a farcical-dream in which nothing could be made to go right; of two, always out of phase with each other, and having lost each other so early, then spending much of a whole lifetime wishing to get back to each other.

'the blossom, withered, in its bloom'

Our embryonic interactions, more than other compelling love stories, speak to Dickens' doleful poetic imagery: "tenderest recollections of the blossom that had withered in its bloom."

The medium said that she'd counseled thousands of clients concerning lost love, and she wishes our story were written down to give to others, to inform that great patience and fortitude is often required to bring authentic relationship to maturity.

'you never talk about this, but time is on your side'

And there were other messages via other psychic-mediums, to whom I gave no detail of our situation, but immediately there was an accessing of the essence of that which burdens me. The counsel was offered, “there’s a hidden part of you that you never talk about, but,” you are given to know, “time is on your side."

'even if she's 90, in a nursing home'

And that, while “your years of being apart are not yet over,” the Guides understand that “you would wait for her, even if she’s 90, in a nursing home”;

heaven witnesses the strange one-sided relationship

and that, though, for a long time - like an endless solitary confinement - you've lived alone and refused others, the Guides are well aware and see your heart affirming that “you are in a committed relationship”.

law of repulsion

There is testimony by Spirit Guides, superintending the coming together of Twins, who speak of a "law of repulsion" -- orchestrated difficulties in the early years during which little goes right for destined lovers -- followed, much later, by a "law of attraction."

not even counted as a girl

baby, you were so bad

the bad-news duo

It seems very strange that a young boy, who judged a certain young girl as more than annoying, liable to snarky behavior or whining and shouting at any moment, “silly” (I still remember mentally calling you “silly” when I was ten), someone I didn’t really like, and bad news, and didn’t even count as a girl -- it seems more than strange that this irritating and vexing little girl, the last person I'd want to be with, would eventually, near the end, become all the universe to me, my life and breath, my one eternal desire, my only prayer to God in late-night bargaining, my to-die-for reason to stay alive. How is this possible?

What kind of wizardry and alchemy is this? - this unlikely, and unwanted, transformation; because, baby, you were so bad.

However, this textbook method of antitheticals clashing, a "law of repulsion," it's clear to me now, is what happened to us (read of the two "laws" on the "Wedding Song" prologue page).


postscript 2

I've been lettin' your memory get to me

In times past, I spoke of Adler’s “idealization” and “over-valuation,” how John and Mary view each other unrealistically, and then are later disappointed with what they discover. Ironically, it was the opposite for me.

You were often unkind, even vicious, and I saw the worst in you, from early on and to later years; in this, you also brought out the worst in me. Any normal guy named “John” would have mentally put you away, long ago, and never looked back. Well, I did try that but could never quite forget you. What I found is, in true love, one sees through the masks and role-playing, all the way to the true person within, what exists potentially, waiting to be actualized, in the soul of the one you love. This means that...

Despite all that's happened, and all that didn't, part of me, I now realize, has always seen you as that perfect girl: radiant and glorious, effortlessly lovely and enchanting, naturally gracious and forthcoming, unpretentiously modest and virtuous, unassumingly intelligent and quietly capable, perky and playful, never flirtatious but always real, diligent and striving for excellence, artistic and poetry-in-motion, pure and wholesome, sparkling and shimmering, without flaw or wrinkle... you are "the hidden face of God" to me. 

In my saner moments, I like everything about you. And to contradict everything that young boy believed, you've always been the gold standard and archetype, for me, of what a perfect girl should be.

For most of my life, all this has been a well-protected secret; especially, from myself.


Jim Croce, Recently (1973)

used to be, I could pretend, that I wasn't really hurt back then, but then, recently it seems I've been lettin' your memory get to me, 'cause memories can be friends, or they can take you to a place that you never thought you'd see again, take you to a face that you never ever thought that you would see again, doesn't matter now who was wrong, the future is tomorrow ‘cause the past is gone, an' I'm findin' I'm not as strong as I thought that I used to be, ‘cause recently it seems I've been lettin' your memory get to me


Used to be I could pretend that I wasn't really hurt back then. I was angry, for years; so angry I wouldn’t allow myself to know what I was angry about. How clearly I recall the process. For nearly 30 years, subliminally, I would not allow myself to listen to the old music. Intuitively, I knew that this would reopen a deep wound. I'd made an agreement, with myself, not to ask any questions about the past. After many years of this repression -- repressing, not just information but my own person -- the pain of self-blindness became greater than the pain of dealing with your memory and what I lost.

Recently it seems I've been lettin' your memory get to me. This imbalance, the resurgence of memory, overturned an established psychological homeostasis, prompting me to seek for an inner reorientation. I did so by daring to listen to the old love songs; which means, I decided to consciously seek for your memory, to allow it to surface. But I was not prepared and would soon discover what I'd been so sedulously avoiding. The music unlocked tightly-sealed doors of the soul. The old love songs from our teen years precipitated a massive cathartic, convulsive release of wallpapered-over sorrow. My own reaction, to myself, was that of shock. I had no idea how dead I was on the inside, with these multiple spiraling-downward layers of despair and grief.

Recently it seems I've been lettin' your memory get to me. The returning spectre of your memory informed me of the nature of my hidden terror. In my traumatic repression, I could now clearly see that I'd slipped into a form of egoic insanity. I had feared that I’d forever lost you - lost you! even before I had my wits about me to know that I wanted you. This seemed unconscionably unfair, had secretly enraged me -- to finally perceive your secret identity, but only after the game was effectively over. 

I'm findin' I'm not as strong as I thought that I used to be. A floating-systemic anger, for many years, had colored my life. Even so, in my disconsolate meditations, I would bring myself to perceive that my feelings for you, and what you once expressed to me, did not constitute ordinary boy-meets-girl dynamic. To my shock, it was much more. And so I couldn't just go out and replace you, choose some other "pretty fish in the sea" to sedate myself; I know, because, for a time, I tried this bromide, resulting in more suffering. What I'd experienced with you a long time ago was something irreplaceable and non-fungible. As the poet offered, it became “the feeling which is evidence.”

Used to be I could pretend that I wasn't really hurt back then, but then, recently... Though I still grieve, I begin to accept the past, to see it as part of a necessary classroom; also, to accept that you had your own lessons God wanted you to learn.

Doesn't matter now who was wrong. I look forward to meeting you again. But I'm also troubled at the prospect. I won’t know what to say. And I don't know if we can be together right away. We have unfinished business, things to explain to each other. And I'm not sure if you'll have good explanations for all that happened... I think that trust will have to be rebuilt... which could take some time... but, to use your phrase, "if you're still willing," I would like to talk about this whole thing.


postscript 3

There are too many endings here, but rather than delete the previous, I’ll let them stand. As I see more, I need to say more, and this is what I see now. The following, in part, is reprinted from the “Jamie and Landon” writing:

E. I’ve just read the novel about Jamie and Landon. I’m not one to read novels, and haven’t done so in over 50 years since college, but I’ve read this one. Again, the movie doesn’t do justice, it’s a watered down version to appeal to a secular society. And the Jamie of the novel is many powers of ten more inspiring and worthy of note.

K. In what sense?

E. I am deeply moved by her willingness to serve and aid even her enemies. She doesn’t blame people or blame God for the trials in her life. She’s friendly to all, even to those who, she full well knows, despise her and work against her. And here’s what’s really getting me. While she’s only a fictional character, with her influence, I find myself taking the high road, with more charitable intent, than I normally do – and why? because I bring to mind her example of selfless service. She’s actually changing me, affecting me on a deep level, from the inside out – and she’s just a character in a novel!

K. But it seems she’s more than just a character in a novel.

sacrament, just to be in her presence

E. I think that’s true. Jamie, to my way of thinking, is actually an embodiment of a feminine ideal. A woman like this, of such grace, forbearance, altruism, maturity, intelligence, virtue – I could go on – possesses great spiritual power. In a woman like this, the old adage of a man’s desire to “worship and adore” the one he loves takes high flight and soars to the heavens. Men are changed, transformed, it is a kind of sacrament, simply to be in her presence – Landon said this many times; and others, too.

K. It seems it’s not difficult to “worship and adore” a goddess who heals her lover’s “heart of darkness.”

E. And it’s for this reason that I would offer counsel, to myself, and to all men: when you’re considering being with a woman, great beauty is not enough; competence, talent, and ability are not enough; even trustworthiness, as vital as it is, is not enough, without something more. And I could list a few other facets of the diamond of love, each important in its own right, and we need all of them for the eternal marriage, but – the “godliness” factor exhibited by Jamie is absolutely non-negotiable; actually, all of the factors of love are non-negotiable, as the absence of any one of them will derail the eternal marriage. However, acknowledging all this, the “godliness” factor clamors for special attention.

K. And why is that?

E. Her “godliness” attribute draws from me, from my stone-cold “heart of darkness,” a breath of life previously unknown to me. Like a flower, as songwriter John Sebastian had it, “I feel myself in bloom” in her presence. She “draws life” from me, as “The Wedding Song” puts it. I can feel myself expanding to new, higher levels of what I was made to be. It’s as if she pulls me out of mental darkness, the dungeons of my personal hell, lights the path, shows me the way toward the secret meaning of God’s love. I sense, I know, that I cannot reach my potential as a son of God unless this made-in-the-image agent of the divine leads me forward.

K. (silence)

E. All this, I think, is the most important. But, following closely concerning this “godliness” attribute, she is not only a willing partner with me to enter “the harvest fields of God,” but encourages me to do so, points out that this is our life’s priority. She, proactively, with creative force, devises plans to help the wayward find the God-life within. I do not need to coax her into this work, but, if anyone is doing any coaxing, she is leading me in this “harvest” effort. Little wonder, then, I stand mesmerized, and gush, with the mythic Adam, at the first sight of Eve -- "Eve" means "life" -- to exclaim, “you are my life.”

K. (softly) What is the bottom line of all this for you?

E. Jamie's mind reflects what's most important to me. I identify with her views and life-orientation very strongly. And so I couldn't be with a woman who does not exhibit -- not personality but -- every godly character-attribute of Jamie. It wouldn't work, we wouldn't see the same thing, share the same values, we'd be at odds all the time. A couple needs to be walking the same road or they can't be together, they'd be an offense to each other every day.

K. But Jamie is religious in a way that you're not.

E. I don't care about that. Jamie doesn't know what I know about those things. But she's a true intellectual, loves the truth, seeks for it -- which is also extremely important to me -- and she would learn from me, and soon she'd be right there with me, "spiritual, not religious."


addendum: the eternal love and marriage, its meaning and purpose


a heaven in a gaze,
a heaven of heavens,
the privilege
of one another’s eyes

Emily Dickinson


As I survey the many afterlife testimonies concerning Twin Souls, from many sources, collected over nearly thirty years – see many of them here -- a sense of hushed awe envelops my spirit. How could an eternal marriage be possible? part of me questions.

Think back to childhood, that very first time the concept of “forever” pierced the fog of the puerile mind. I see myself back then, almost-hypnotically stammering: “forever… and ever… and ever… and ever… and ever…”

Falling into the bottomless abyss of “forever” is a frightening existential event. But then, later, made all the worse by a contemplation of being with just one person, in an eternal marriage, one that “cannot be sundered” – forever… and ever… and ever… and ever…

What are we to make of this endless perpetuity? From our experience on the Earth, nothing lasts forever; most especially, good things. They cloy, go sour, or depart from us, rather quickly. Who ever heard of feeling really, really happy about something lasting more than a short while or, at best, a fortnight? It doesn’t happen.

But, in the testimonies, we find this chorus of fervent voices exclaiming otherwise. They say, forget about your old prejudices, when you find the real thing, that’s when the real heaven begins. Before then, you’re just splashing in the kiddie-pool of what you think is pleasure.

Why would the universe be arranged this way, why should there be an eternal marriage? We’ll be investigating this for a long time, but part of the answer, they say, is that we can’t reach our best maturity and development without the true love and marriage; the implication being, until then, we've not yet perceived our authentic “what we stay alive for.” They’re telling us that we wouldn’t even bother unfolding much of the soul’s godly potential unless this blossoming were linked to being with and enjoying the company of one’s darling companion.

Now, many of us, when we hear things like this, might offer a cynical response, like: “I know all about this, I fell in love once, thought it would last forever, felt like it would, for a very short time, but it all faded so quickly. So I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt and dvd, and now I’m good, mate, but you have a nice day.”

The Spirit Guides are well aware of this “tough room” reaction – the entire channeled message of “The Wedding Song” addresses this derisive reply. They say our viewpoint is ignorant, and of course things didn’t work out because we approached love as any beast of the field might do, merely an expression of mammalian zeal of the organs – and how long does that last? The really good stuff, they say, represents God’s own eternal energies, the kind that made us male and female, the “image of God.” They say that “the real love” – which comes only once in eternal life, and with only one particular lover – “is so magnetic, so overwhelming" in its attraction, that the ensuing devastation, to our false views is so complete and shattering, that we are never the same again. And we will spend the rest of our lives trying to figure out what happened – how one pleasant-looking person could have done all this to us; and continue to do so.

With all of this acclaim, we might expect everyone in Summerland to be paired off as Twin Soul couples. And yet, strangely, on the “lower levels” of Summerland, almost no one has even heard of this. Most are still languishing in their lackluster John-and-Mary unions of the Earth. But then, most in Summerland are spiritually dysfunctional and still quite immature. We discussed this in “the 500 tape-recorded messages from the other side” writing.

We should not expect it to be easy to fall into the eternal marriage. Let’s not forget that frightening aspect of “forever… and ever… and ever… and ever.” The eternal marriage is not like asking a girl out for Saturday night. The eternal love and marriage is a union reflecting a mature and godlike frame of mind. We can’t expect to achieve this simply by reading a book or attending a seminar. A considerable amount of spiritual practice will be required, and not a short time inhabiting “the long dark night of the soul.”

Eroticism in the eternal love and marriage is not founded upon blood and fever. This does not last, and is fairly weak, in any case. But there is a more potent level of eroticism, based upon a higher level of consciousness or “soul energies,” and this form of eros does not fade. However, to experience this, the small ego cannot rule one’s being.

The Twin Soul marriage is typically entered when loftier levels of consciousness are reached. And now we want to know, how long might it take to achieve the requisite maturity allowing two to enter the eternal marriage?

finding a reason to buckle down

There’s no easy answer to this. It could be a fairly short time. If a couple catches a glimpse of the joys awaiting them, they might buckle down into a program of spiritual self-development that could make wedding bells ring for them in only many months or a few short years.

However, my sense is that not many will be this lucky. What is the problem? When we cross over we bring with us all of our ego-illusions. And many cling to these. They’re afraid of change, of letting go of the old cultish ways of the Earth, afraid to “go within” to mine the inner riches – because they fear they’re a bad person on the deep inside, destined for judgment.

There can never be a commencement of the eternal marriage while the ego pulls the strings in one’s life. And this is why marriages, often, are fraught with dissatisfaction on the Earth. And none of this mental dystopia, I think we can see, could have any place in a marriage lasting “forever… and ever… and ever.”

Recall, too, as we’ve discussed elsewhere, couples are usually out-of-phase with each other. One might be fairly mature, but the other lags behind in egoic insanity. What can be done? Not much. Each person has his or her own timetable for spiritual awakening, and the soul will not rushed into a better state.

This means that the “sane” member of the Twinship will have to wait. There is no one else for him or her. Jesus talked about this waiting in the Matthew 19 discourse.

How long might this waiting last? I’d like to say that maybe it would only be many years, but this is a hopeful spin on the problem. As we read the Guides' testimonies, we learn that, in hard-core situations, the immaturity of the recalcitrant absent Twin might last hundreds of years, or even a great deal longer. It could get grim. During the interim, the mature partner must settle in for the long wait, involving him- or herself in charitable works, study, staying close to friends, but, in all of this, must live alone.

One ray of hope: Just because a Twin couple, upon arrival in Summerland, is not ready for the eternal marriage doesn’t mean that they can’t share many activities. This sort of limited togetherness, of course, assumes that each enjoys a modicum of spirituality, but, if not, it’s best to wait, as they’d grate like sandpaper, each to the other. But assuming a minimum level of maturity, they might take part in many activities jointly: service projects, university studies, outings, parties, and travel. We would welcome this because, as stated earlier, these interactions might offer a glimpse of the joys of union awaiting them. Even a small vision of future happiness could serve as motivation to wholeheartedly pursue a program of marital spiritual readiness. This half-way measure could be ideal for them, and we hope for it.

Much of this is not easy, and no sugar-coating will mollify. All we can say is, the future is a long time, and a very long time, and we absolutely need the true mate to “survive the terror of living forever”. One is required to wait -- and accept no interim substitutes, which would only add to miseries; and hurt feelings, which might further delay the wedding date by decades -- because the potential happiness, at the end, is so over-the-top substantial, that it outweighs any suffering as investment to that end.

It is the exclusive right, the privilege, as Emily said, of one another’s eyes, a heaven in a gaze; indeed, a heaven of heavens, and this, on a permanent basis.

Editor's note: I count Emily's love poetry here as just about the most deeply moving lines ever written.



In many respects I am still the boy you once knew, and will always be. However, I am also different; different in that something deep within has been awakened. You knew me as distracted and insensate, half alive. But I am now aware of a new center of being, and strive to apprehend it, to unfold this germ of life within. I am drawn to an inner light, a warming glowing ember deep inside.

As another used the phrase, "I see nothing but eternity," but not everyone sees what I see; those who do not are usually offended by my research, are afraid, and some even say that I'm "dangerous"; which is ridiculous, but that's how frightened people are of ideas, afraid of what's real. 

But I am willing to stand alone if required. I want to know "the truth" -- not everyone does. Even as a boy, I was interested in discovering what's real (too bad you and I did not have even one meaningful conversation back then; we should have gone for a walk in a wide-open field).

I feel, deep within, a strong desire to do God’s will. I don’t always have a clear vision of what that is, but I know that I want to devote my eternal life to finding out. I want to do the work of God, to enter the harvest field, contributing my part. I believe that each human being will yet come to one's own realization.

I don’t know where you are in this process, but I think you would not like being with me until you see what I see, and want to share my journey to discover "the truth." I would be an offense to you, you would turn away (as you’ve already done at times) if you were to harbor the old beliefs.


Confession: I look at some of these last comments and, to an outside observer, I might impersonate the wise or even a spiritual person. But I am not, and far from that. These illusions of maturity are quickly shattered when I see some artifact of our past or some representation of your present life. How easily, then, I slip into a quiet rage, a confusion and disorder, sending me spinning to perdition. And now, in my own mental impairment, there's an adamant and defiant unwillingness to entertain any future rapprochement, in this world or ones to come. Sometimes I don't want to ever see you again. I am still angry and seething, even after all these years, and to a degree that shocks even me.

As I explore the underpinnings of this madness maddened, I discern the root cause: the greater part of myself despairs that the girl I always loved might no longer exist. “There is a funeral in my brain,” as the poet wrote, and this deeper grief leads me to despondency.

I fear she is not recoverable, can never get her back. Where is that girl of excellent spirit and ideals, of high goals, seeking the best? - the one I always admired and secretly judged to be a perfect girl. Will she even want to talk to me? I'm not sure why as she might see me as a virtual stranger, too different, after so long a time.

And how can I live now, stand before life, without you? find the energy to do anything? I have lost you, and now I don't want to live - I know I should not say this, but it's how I feel. A thick darkness readily enshrouds and swirls within my spirit... Is this assessment too bleak? Possibly, but sometimes I feel immobilized with bereavement and cannot shut down the funeral in my head... This is my confession, but without absolution.


baby, you were so bad 

An early psychic message sternly warned me about a future time when we would finally meet again. If I were to present myself in the old laconic ways, not saying or conveying much, then, the psychic lady admonished, my seeming indifference would set us back for a long time. This troubled me. Fears of losing you all over again gripped my spirit, and so I purposed to launch a preemptive strike. Well in advance, I would write to you, tell you everything, promise to wait for you, so as to ward off any possibility of being accused of taciturnity. Receipt of my letter, as you know, was not favorable on your part, but now you know the prompting of the missive.

And it was some time later, more than ten years, that another psychic judged, “you’ve passed her now”; meaning, a turning of tables. In a future meeting, I will not be the one needing to be forthcoming. My cards are already on the table, you know what I think. It will be your turn to be open. And I will appreciate your explanations as to why you did certain things.

Do you realize that you’ve judged me as the worst person? sometimes engaging in wild, over-the-top accusations. What is wrong with you? Why are you so extreme? These false charges burden with cumulative weight, and lead me to giving up on "us". And then you allow others into your life of authentic and proven goonish character. What is wrong with you? I am so disgusted, and so close to putting you away forever. And that should be good news to you, since you judge me to be so vile.

baby, you were so bad

However, to contradict myself, please understand, you do not need to be flawless or perfect -- as I certainly am not -- for me to want to be with you; except, perfect in one area: perfect in attitude, in eagerness and willingness, a heart inclined toward "us" – do you remember when you queried, “if you are still willing?” and this is what I’m asking now. Do you want me unreservedly -- despite all that happened and all that didn't -- to regain “us,” to recapture what ought to have been? Do you still want me the way you did when you first came, so very long ago now? Do you want me above all things -- before any other person, entity, concept, goal, or project?

And, unfortunately, I need to add, do you want me more than the luxury of condemning anger? Our record on this has not been good. I am so disgusted about "us." From the beginning, and over decades, absolutely nothing went right for us, you would misinterpret everything I said and did. We had so much potential. We lost so much. And I know you've grieved over this, as well -- even more than myself, I suspect -- as you surprised me to state: "Let's not lose each other again." Even so, I despair that we can put ourselves back together.

There's the old adage, you can wander so far from home that you never find your way back. But, if you're willing to talk, I would like that, and enter "confirmation hearings." However, I don't know if we can make it, so much mutual good-will has been damaged, we are close to total relationship Armageddon. Do you recall, I once said, "Why do many love-letters read like suicide notes?" That's what this feels like.

The truth is, I don't see you as a reasonable person - the way you've lived is one long compromise against inner-whispering guidance. Have you ever done one thing in your life, with fortitude and self-sacrifice, to stand up for "us", to wait with patience for our day to come? Instead, you've been vicious to me. Your decisions reflect fear, guilt, and base emotion, with your principled true self -- the girl I always loved -- smothered under egoic rubble. And so how can I trust you to do the right thing, how can I rely on you to stand with me in the "harvest fields of God," how can I build a family and a life with a girl who doesn't live true to herself?

I don't wish for it, I always thought we'd be together someday, but now I'm resolved, if I have to, to face the future without you; and part of me expects this as likely outcome.

Despite all these things, which will hurt you to hear, I want to be with you. I want you to talk openly and honestly about everything that happened. I want you to convince me that you had good reasons for the bad things, and even if you didn’t have good reasons, I want you to tell me why none of it would ever happen again… and, if you’re still willing, I want you to convince me that you love me as much as I love you... actually, I'm hoping that you might love me even a little more, as Love is your natural domain and I'm just a visitor there.

I've made up my mind 

love me or leave me

My Girl, Hey Girl (1968)

what can make me feel this way, hey, girl, I want you to know, I'm gonna miss you so much if you go, something deep inside's going to die, what's gonna happen to me when you're gone, how will I live, how can I go on, how can I go on, how can I go on...

Devil Or Angel (1960)

I can't make up my mind, which one you are, devil or angel, do whichever you are, love me or leave me, I've made up my mind, you look like an angel, but you keep me guessing, will you ever be mine, devil or angel, do whichever you are, I've made up my mind…



reprinted from the Omega articles:

How much perfection and maturity is required before entering the eternal Twin-Soul marriage?

Editor’s note: For nearly thirty years I’ve studied the afterlife reports concerning the Twin Soul marriage. During this time, I now see that I’ve labored under a misconception.

I always thought that Twins do not, or ought not, officially come together until an exceedingly high degree of spiritual perfection has been attained. Almost faultless; virtually a paragon-level of transcendent personal excellence -- of the sort typified by a fairytale prince and princess:

However, I now perceive that this view goes too far. If perfection is required, then two will never be married.

Further, my former outlook contradicts certain precepts which, Spirit Guides tell us, are to regulate the eternal marriage.




reprinted from Jamie and Landon novel review page:

Elenchus. I’m seeing some things more clearly concerning my admiration for Jamie.


Kairissi. You’ve been taken by her.

E. I don’t look at it that way. My new clarity is more like performing an autopsy after the crime scene.




one’s deepest person secrets an individualized and unique musical signature, a song of the soul

'music fills my soul now'

Tuning fork resonance provides one of the very best metaphors of why a particular woman and man, excluding all others, might share a most intimate entwinement of being.

As Petula Clark sang, “music fills my soul now, I’m not half I’m whole now.”




not for a reason versus soulmate, myself

Kairissi. These are two great principles of true love. But I now see some new things. And I think you’ve misapplied these and have very unfairly misjudged me.

Elenchus. How have I done this?




baby, you were so bad


reprinted from "The Wedding Song"

forgive me for wanting you so

E. There’s a beautiful old love song, There, I’ve said It Again.

K. It goes back to the 1940s, has been released by several artists. I think I like Bobby Vinton's version the best.

E. There's a line that sometimes gives me pause: “forgive me for wanting you so.”

K. Tell me, Elenchus, why does it move you?

E. One of my fears – maybe it’s unfounded but – I see us in Summerland. And I want you more than you want me.

K. A lop-sided love affair.

E. I am so glad to be with you, and my wish is that we might never be out of each other’s presence, not even for a little while. And I’m almost embarrassed to discuss this with you, as it seems too extreme, but it’s how I feel and what I want.

K. “Forgive me for wanting you so.”

E. And so I’m feeling bad about this, believing that you’ll think I’m too needy if I bring this up. However, if I don’t talk about it, it’s going to fester inside, and I’ll begin to feel that you don’t love me as much, and if this were to happen, then I couldn’t be with you.

K. How do we handle this?

E. When I began to analyze myself I was tempted to judge, maybe there’s something wrong with me, maybe I do want you too much.

K. But eternity is a very long time, and how are Twins supposed to sustain their love through unending ages to come if it’s not propelled by some kind of great force?

E. And so, as I was thinking about this, I came across something on the “prologue” page, a reference to Plato’s dialogue in the Symposium:

The twin-soul image was graphically portrayed by Plato 25 centuries ago … In the Symposium Aristophanes speaks [of] … how Zeus struck the soul into two opposite halves, each to wander the earth in search of the other:

And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight even for a moment. These are the people who pass their whole lives together, yet they could not explain what they desire of one another. For the intense yearning which each of them has towards the other does not appear to be the desire of lover’s intercourse, but of something else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell, and of which she has only a dark and doubtful presentiment.

always, day and night, in one another's company

If Hephaestus, son of Zeus, were to ask the pair: ‘Do you desire to be wholly one, always, day and night, in one another’s company? For, if this is what you desire, I am ready to melt you into one and let you grow together, so that being two you shall become one, and after your death in the world beyond you will still be one departed soul instead of two – I ask whether this is what you lovingly desire?’ – and there is not a man or woman, when they heard the proposal, would not acknowledge that this melting into one another, this becoming one instead of two, was the very expression of their ancient need. And the reason is that human nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love.

K. Hephaestus asks your very question, “Do you desire, always day and night, to be in one another’s company?”

E. And when I saw that I realized that I didn't invent this feeling, but Plato is describing a normal universal mindset – not for John and Mary so much but – for Twin Souls.

K. On some sort of cosmic-subliminal level, they know they were once a singularity, created by God as a union, and now they can’t help themselves but to crave being together all the time.

E. I’ll offer the proposition that, if a couple does not experience this “desire, always day and night, to be in one another’s company,” then there’s presumptive evidence that they, in fact, are not Twin Souls – and should not try to be together, as they’re wasting each other’s time.

K. Tell me more about what you feel, Elenchus.

E. First of all, everyone needs to be free to do what they really want. I feel so strongly about this that I would never chase a girl to be with me. It has to be natural, a mutual desire to come together. If I had to try to convince someone, what good is that? Anyone who can be convinced one way, can later be convinced another way. No, I want no part of any persuasion campaign.

K. (silence)

E. And when we finally get to Summerland, released from the decades of living in the war-zone that is planet Earth; finally free, as Silver Birch said, from all of the “hindrances, obstacles, and impediments” that have kept Twins apart; then, I know, I will need you in a special way.

K. (softly) How do you envision it?

E. Well, for example, I see us at a party. The guys are by the fireplace, having a drink and talking shop, and the girls are in their own group, across the way, discussing home and family, laughing and making jokes. But, in this apparently unguarded conviviality, I have not forgotten you, and I occasionally glance your way. And you have not forgotten me, are not unmindful of my desire for you, as you signal, with your eyes, that you are near, and thinking of me.

K. (silence)

E. As I say, especially after the war-zone of Earth, there’s a certain lingering trauma in my spirit. Outwardly I project normalcy, but inwardly I’m still beset by fears of losing you.

K. Like the starving Japanese man, war survivor, who later never went anywhere without a piece of bread in his pocket.

E. If I’m very honest -- and I hate to admit it but – it is like that. I feel so traumatized that, not only would I prefer to “always be in one another’s company,” but my trauma is so bad that I start to feel uneasy even if you’re in another part of the house.

K. It's a form of post-traumatic stress, Elenchus… and you don’t have to apologize.

E. (silence)

K. I can feel your severe unease, even now. You are actually angry with yourself that you need me to this degree and even that you need to talk about this. You don’t like being dependent, and you don’t like to show weakness. And I know you're subliminally raging, such that if I were to act in a manner to indicate disrespect, you would count this as humiliation, that I don't really love you, and then you would leave me and live alone. But, Elenchus, I want you to know that you’re not going to lose me again. And I have my own stories of trauma over losing you for decades, and neither of us needs to feel diminished or embarrassed to say, “forgive me for wanting you so.”

E. (silence)

K. Love is my natural domain, Elenchus, and let me tell you how, in practice, we will find our healing. We’ve often spoken of what we call “joint meditation.” And I know, I can already feel, that if we lie in each other’s arms, touching foreheads, whispering love to each other, we will find remedy for the wounds in our hearts, and we will convince ourselves, in a visceral way, that the endless Earth-nightmare of losing each other is finally over.